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Re: Looking for help with analyzing disassembled code->

It's been a while, but I am still working on reverse engineering Cartooners. For anyone interested, I found some graphics VGA 320 x 200 256 colors video mode routines: 1. A routine that draws images. 2. A routine that draws text. 3. A routine that restores the background covered by the mouse cursor …

Re: Space Quest 1 VGA Sound Format

When browsing the sound resources in SCI Resource Viewer look at the sample rate field in the digital track pane, if the rate for a given sound is non-zero it will have a digital track. 1. The Goofy holler are sound resources 363 and 454 in my copy of Space Quest. 2. The "I'm melting" sound is …

Re: SVGA Games for 286 ?

I don't really have much to add other than the fact it surprises me there's anyhting at all that uses SVGA and still works on a 286. Why are you looking specifically for stuff for a 286? btw: While not a game, Deluxe Paint should work on a 286 and support SVGA.

Re: Looking for help with analyzing disassembled code->

@mkarcher: yeah I get it, once I know what is C library code I will need to start to figure out what application function does what. C functions are pretty standardized but the code specific to the application is not. However even though the version of Cartooners I am reverse engineneering is a MS- …

Re: Looking for help with analyzing disassembled code->

Yes, I don't want to waste too much time on the C functions, because like you said they're already documented and I suspect some of them aren't even called by Cartooners. And you're absolutely right, if I want to modify Cartooners my focus should be on the application code. However, have a limited …

Re: Looking for help with analyzing disassembled code->

I think I understand now. My copy of stat.h refers to "System V" so dtoxmode basically converts between MS-DOS file attributes and Unix/Linux (POSIX?) file attributes and has to refer to the .bat, .com and .exe extensions because MS-DOS doesn't have an "executable" attribute like Linux/Unix (POSIX?) …

Re: Looking for help with analyzing disassembled code->

Yes, I am aware of what compiler was used and those extensions being mentioned in the data section. Are you saying dtoxmode refers to that particular data? I will look at the source code you linked to later. No, I am not looking for file interaction per se, I just wanted to know what dtoxmode does. …

Looking for help with analyzing disassembled code->

Okay, so I have disassembled an MS-DOS old game (Cartooners) which was compiled using the Microsoft C 5.10 compiler. With some effort I managed to identify a few parts as a C functions for example: 000241C0 55 PUSH BP 000241C1 8BEC MOV BP, SP 000241C3 8CC0 MOV AX, ES 000241C5 C45E06 LES [BP +0x06], …

Re: DOSBox-X branch

Hopefully, this is the right place to ask this, this time. Anyway: Curious as how to use the OPEN COM statement found in many older BASIC dialects I wrote this quick piece of code based on an example: OPEN "COM1:9600,N,8,1,BIN" FOR OUTPUT AS #1 PRINT #1, "Hi!" CLOSE #1 In my DOSBox-X config file I …

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