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Re: Ultima VI install error

in DOS
The music doesn't play, but I get the PC speaker sounds fine. It doesn't play in Wing Commander either. Since I bypassed the regular install, I didn't have a chance to set up AdLib or anything. Any advice for this?

Re: Ultima VI install error

in DOS
It's a BAT file, and I'm installing it on Windows. Using the Command Prompt yields the same error. However, Hierophant's advice worked, thank you so much! I have been wanting to play this game again for years.

Ultima VI install error

in DOS
I have an old CD with Ultima VI and Wing Commander on it. When I try to install it via DosBox, I get into the install shell, but it tells me I am missing 'append.exe' 'subst.exe' and 'join.exe'. It wants my DOS discs so it can retrieve the files, but obviously I don't have those. Any help would be …

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