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Re: Games that require XMS, EMS?

Add to the list: EMS: Ultima Underworld Underworld 2 Master of Orion Tie Fighter Dawn Patrol F15 III NHL Hockey 1942 PAW Ultima 7's install checks for extended and sees it even with XMS set to false in the config(and runs). Tie Fighter's install also detects XMS. I don't know if it runs because I …

Re: Any release forthcoming?

Well, a little patch from me is forthcoming that toggles xms & ems on/off from the command line; hows that?:) Maybe put out what I've done so far since the xms toggle works for zone66(still working on getting privateer to accept the ems toggle, though priv doesn't seem to run with the more recent …

Re: Heavy-Debug/Debug-Version

It compiles, but it doesn't work. This is mingw and folllowing the instructions from INSTALL. For those that can't even get it to run, check stderr.txt; if it complains about lines and cols being too small, type 'export LINES=80' 'export COLS=25' in your mingw window. So, provided unknownuser is at …

Mapper joystick axis handling.

What was the plan on implementing axis handling? CheckEvent passes event->jaxis.value (-32768..32767) to ActivateBindList as a boolean so the only thing CJAxisEvent does is notify if an axis changed direction. Was the plan to still pass the axis value somehow or was the intent to make axis movement …

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