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Re: Descent to Undermountain

Skunkeen wrote: I have not tried this yet on my old 386 and 486 PC Don't even bother. It's designed for Pentiums minimum. I didn't have trouble setting up sound in it, BTW. The whole 'no sound' thing you read about probably refers to trying to run it under NTVDM which is a bad idea anyway.

Re: Ignorant Users, Stupid Postings

that's because there's the people that download dosbox and want to run the usual Blood or Tomb Raider and expecting an emulator to have a whole proper automatic interface like running their questionably obtained ROMs too. Every mainstream emulator draws in this kind of kiddie (not meaning just the …

Re: DOOM/Heretic/Hexen over internet under DOS!

in Milliways
My 486 can access the internet fine though it's a budget 3com lan card so there may be cpu chomping issues with good traffic :( One game that people play and runs well on 486s (in 640x480) is Continuum. (though i've had a disconnect crash various times and I couldn't reconnect to Trench Wars for 10 …

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