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Re: Glide and A3D

In Diablo 2's case, 3d cards at the time had slow texture caching/upload for Direct3D and voodoo hardware was still popular to use in 2000, plus there's the fact that Diablo 2 was in development since 1997 so Glide technology adoption was quite early and more mature than their own whatever-late-in- …

Re: PowerVR PCX2

Hmm, that's weird because KHG dropped support for it too (in a patch) before the neon250 was released, ditto for Unreal as well I think. Interesting screenshots of Quake3 using the Half-Life MiniGL driver ( is the only one that works) http://leileilol.mancubus.net/powervr/pcx2/shot0003.jpg …

Re: Native Online Blood + XP

in DOS
You could have a linux live CD that's just DOSEmu, which is also a really-fast-and-still-better-than-ntvdm solution for older machines. Could use an easy configuration front end though, since people that tend to want to play Blood you find on the internet, lets say, want a more 'push button' …

Re: Native Online Blood + XP

in DOS
Win2k also has extremely lagged controls with Blood also this is no way to play a classic into the future. We need to get everyone's bad ntvdm habits dropped somehow because it's ruining the vision of dos (its ansi colors aren't even correct)

Re: Native Online Blood + XP

in DOS
lagged controls, lagged controls, lagged controls, oh did i mention the lagged controls? Also no sound, but the VDMSound solution only gives me the bad, crackling sound.

Re: PowerVR PCX2

WIP "post-1998" compatibility list of games that 'run' on the card released from past its last driver release in March '98: Works great (runs as intended): Half-Life Unreal Rogue Squadron Battlezone (sometimes it can glitch and try to accellerate the game in 640x480x8 (YES 8BIT direct3d hardware)) …

Re: Why do my floppies keep going bad?

in Milliways
Insulation rocks. I've done that in the 90s fortunately for my important disks. My more creative ones with the cool label writing I did with pens kinda is more ruined than the ones with clean surfaces :( sometimes even their dust protectors makes reading worse so i'd have to rip 'em off and save …

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