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Re: C&C Red Alert for Free

It appears to be the original version Nope, it's the 1999 EA Classics re-release. Oddly the re-release version has no IPX support and has troubles with XP out of the box whereas the original 1996 Virgin release has no issues in XP. I'm speaking from the Win32 executables of course. The re-release's …

Re: PowerVR PCX2

i'll probably need to scrap up a decent direct3d gl wrapper too for the games the powervr extreme minigl dll can't reach like Quake3. AltoGL sort of worked, but it had serious texture management issues (and doesn't subsitute blend modes like the sgl minigl). GLDirect doesn't work with the card.

PowerVR PCX2

Anyone else had this? I retired this card in 1998 because it couldn't blend any more than a funky 4-bit alpha blend, and bad driver support. It also has no support for Win2K/XP. Latest drivers I could find are from early 98, and tracking down pvr_half.zip on google is impossible

Re: Windows install

in Windows
schmidtbag wrote: basically everything wine doesn't run is not a 32 or 64 bit application. last time i checked, WINE runs 16-bit stuff too

Re: Runnig a 3dfx dos game with DOSbox

EF2000 won't work. Not unless somebody writes a complete voodoo hardware emulation. i'd love to see that. Slow and hard to do but someone's got to preserve the bad voodoo rendering habits of line dithering and blurry hardware mipmapping before the mists of time kill all the voodoo cards on the …

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