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Need help installing OSX on a 2010 mac pro

Title says it all. I bought what was called a 2010 mid mac pro. It came with no hdd. I can install linux and windows 10 on it. But when I try to install os10 leopard retail, the computer shuts off my mouse and keyboard and does nothing. I went online and found a thread on some website that linked to …

Re: If I didn't have enough things to worry about

What are you talking about? A lamp with a USB-C cable? No way, I never heard of this unless that is fancy wifi lamp but your implies it is not. That what I'm confused. You are talking about one item: lamp. Now you mention the second item, the USB-C cable also burnt? Keep in mind, that USB-C cable …

Re: Reasons to hate modern games

That is roughly 24 megabyte an hour.... Are you on dial up or something? Dialup at best was half that It was the best that I was able to calculate in a hurry. But yeah, that is low. Perhaps it was meant differently in a different context, yet came off as totally wrong. I just took the person at his …

Re: Reasons to hate modern games

leileilol wrote on 2022-06-18, 20:53: It's Rockstar, that filesize is going to be the least of your problems. Hope you're putting that on a SSD... My download speed is 1GB per day if I am lucky, so the size is a factor for me. I have some games in my steam library that I will most likely never play …

Re: What game are you playing now?

Honestly, I would have preferred if id Software kept going on the route they took for Doom 3. I liked Doom 2016, but Eternal didn't do it for me at all. I don't understand what's the necessity of limiting most combat to "arenas" with endless waves of enemies popping up, and all of this "combat loop …

Re: Keep GeForce 4 to cards from dying

Uhm but he said that the card(s) died after few weeks of usage, how this can be due to ESD? I mean, unless he touched them while electrostatically charged when they were running, but I guess he didn't Well not related, but I had a usb port die a few months after I plugged in a thumb drive. There …

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