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Openglhq and Direct3d in Dosbox

Will a official new version of Dosbox have the Openglhq and Direct3d outputs anytime soon? I really like how Openglhq looks. Are there any plans to put them in a future release of Dosbox? Are they too buggy right now to be released? I use Gulikoza's build of Dosbox and I was just wondering if the …

Re: CD Installation Problem with Fable

Why do I use "usecd 1"? Because it works. Why are you asking me stupid questions? It wouldn't make a difference to why the installer isn't detecting the mounted C:\ drive. Anyway, installing the Windows version works. I managed to get the Dos version to work by copying the fable.exe, hmidet.386, and …

Windows 95

How do you load Windows 95 after installing it on Dosbox? I tried to load Win.com but I get a message saying, "This version of Windows does not run on MS-DOS 7.00 or earlier."

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