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Re: 0.70 for Mac Freezing

Replacing PIC_FullIndex causes an endless loop on Dune 2 startup. 44AA:0C06 EC in al,dx 44AA:0C07 A808 test al,08 44AA:0C09 74FB je 00000C06 ($-5) (up) ... Instead of removing IO_USEC_xxx, I made them return immediately on entry. Hang occurs as before, but the loop is different. 2ADE:0079 EC in al, …

Re: 0.70 for Mac Freezing

The first entry into pic.h:40 at a fresh hang via gdb: Breakpoint 14, vga_read_p3da (port=986, iolen=1) at ../../include/pic.h:40 40 return (CPU_CycleMax-CPU_CycleLeft-CPU_Cycles)/(float)CPU_CycleMax; (gdb) print CPU_CycleMax $1 = 10000 Current language: auto; currently c++ (gdb) print CPU_CycleLeft …

Re: 0.70 for Mac Freezing

Right.. (gdb) print vga.draw.delay.vrstart $3 = 13.092353525322741 (gdb) print vga.draw.delay.vrend $4 = 13.155908639523336 (gdb) print timeInFrame $5 = 0 This is strange... 0? 41 double timeInLine=fmod(timeInFrame,vga.draw.delay.htotal); (gdb) n 43 switch (machine) { (gdb) print timeInLine $9 = 0. …

Re: 0.70 for Mac Freezing

OK, I'm in gdb and looking at the process while the game is hung. dosbox.cpp:Normal_Loop() is spinning as normal. ret=(*cpudecoder)(); is returning 0. I guess that's ok since the if end the loop. According to gdb, vga_read_p3da is doing else if(timeInLine >= vga.draw.delay.hblkstart && timeInLine <= …

Re: 0.70 for Mac Freezing

VerticalTimer is happening. The event delays stay the same from start up to hang. And that vgaerror is always happening hang or not, so that was a red herring. I got the hang to happen on save game name entry, which is rare and the debug showed completely different assembler code. It's looping but …

Re: 0.70 for Mac Freezing

Not so much negative as it is too big... static void VGA_VerticalTimer(Bitu val) { double error = vga.draw.delay.framestart; vga.draw.delay.framestart = PIC_FullIndex(); error = vga.draw.delay.framestart - error - vga.draw.delay.vtotal; if (std::fabs(error) > 0.001 ) // Used to be abs(), but compile …

Re: 0.70 for Mac Freezing

Don't know assembler to be useful in gdb, so I've just been logging. Who calls vga_misc::vga_read_p3da? Once it hangs, the log does not happen... Uncommented in VGA_VerticalTimer if (abs(error) > 0.001 ) LOG_MSG("vgaerror: %f",error); And when hung, getting lines like vgaerror: -0.018123 But VGA_ …

Re: 0.70 for Mac Freezing

OK, I'll look for this mapper thing... So far, it's stopping at the same place... 946339645: SBLASTER:DMA unmasked,starting output, auto 0 block 12098 946339645: SBLASTER:DMA Transfer:8-bits PCM Mono Single-Cycle freq 11764 rate 11764 size 12099 951855529: SBLASTER:Single cycle transfer ended …

Re: 0.70 for Mac Freezing

I got a fresh checkout and compiled with heavy debug. Problem still happens. Console output shows nothing obviously bad. Guess I'll have to use the debugger...? How do I Alt-Pause on a MBP which does not have a pause key?

0.70 for Mac Freezing

I'm getting game freezes in 0.70 on a MacBook Pro (2.33 GHz C2D, 2 GB RAM), OSX 10.4. Has happened in Dune 2 and Albion. Happens after some time playing (say 10-20 minutes). Have not played other games long enough to see if it happens with them too. The music continues playing, input usually frozen …

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