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Re: Can't run FIFA International Soccer

No, I did it on my PC only. But now I tried to configure sound using DOSBOX only, as you said, but when I type config.exe to set up the sound, the command doesn't proceed. I mean, it seems like it just stuck there, nothing happens when I press enter to execute the command :( Did I do smth wrong? It …

Re: Can't run FIFA International Soccer

Yeah, there is a "CONFIG.EXE" file and that's where you set the sound correctly. I am not new to this, but this game does smth weird. Here's what happens: I go to C:\FIFA\CONFIG.EXE on my computer and window shows up where I should set the sound up. 1. "Sample Card in Use" says "no card" next to it. …

Re: Can't run FIFA International Soccer

OK, I typed prefetch before step 1 and it is working but at the very end: when I complete all steps, new windos shows up and I get this message: "Sound hardware not responding C:\>_" This "_" sign is blinking like they want me to type there smth. What do I do? I am very close, I can almost feel …

Re: Can't run FIFA International Soccer

Yeah, about that... when do I have to type that? before step 1 that is described above or before I type FIFA.EXE? Sorry for asking so many questions, but I am not technical and need you guys tell me exactly what to type when I run dosbox. So, where and when do I type "core prefetch"?

Re: Can't run FIFA International Soccer

OK, I figured it out- I added the missing DLL file to DosBox.exe in the rar file and it is working great! Now, the problem is running the actual game using DosBox. Here is what I do to run it and maybe you could tell me what steps I am missing and why it isn't working: "1. Run the DOSBox utility. …

Re: Can't run FIFA International Soccer

1. Yes, I did read the thread. It didn't say anything about proble with running that rar file or hoe to fix it. 2. I DID download DoSBox version 0.70 first! But how do I replace DOSbox.exe in the rar file with the one in fully working dosbox 0.70 if there is no dosbox.exe in version 0.70? I mean …

Re: Can't run FIFA International Soccer

OK, I've done what you said and I do see DosBox.exe in that rar file, but when I click on DosBox.exe little window, it gives me this message: "This application has failed to start because SDL_net.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem." I re-installed it but it gives …

Re: Can't run FIFA International Soccer

Ok, I looked at that thread and downloaded that rar file, but it doesn't do anything for me. I don't even know what program I should use to open it with. Can someone guide me to making FIFA International Soccer (94) run on my Windows XP? I can't believe there is no way to run/play this game on my PC …

Can't run FIFA International Soccer

I went to http://dosbox.sourceforge.net and it was said there that "FIFA International Soccer" is 'runnable' on DosBox version 0.63 I searched all over the Internet, but was only able to find and download DosBox version 0.70 I have Windows XP home edition and I tried to run this game using DosBox 0. …

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