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Re: Problematic Windows games list

in Windows
The first three games of the Uncle Albert saga (original french title: Oncle Ernest) are well known PITAs in their restrict circle of aficionados. No way to use them on anything newer than XP, excluding VMs. There's a slight hope to see them supported on ScummVM soon or later (later, probably).

Elpina M559 weird fdc

Anyone, other than me, with a m559 mobo or similar noticed weird behavior of the internal floppy disk controller? I have installed msdos 6.20 and two 1.44mb 3.5 floppy drives. A lot of classic floppy disk tools do not work, like teledisk, copyiipc, imagedisk... various errors like "drive not ready" …

Uncle Albert (Oncle Ernest) modern pc problem

in Windows
Hi men, I've recently managed to get these rare animals in my collection: the first Uncle Albert trilogy by Emme / Lexis Numérique. It installs correctly but when you run game exe (chapp.exe), it does nothing. The game uses quicktime, macromedia director or something like that. A tool like OTVDM …

Re: Sound Blaster 16 Clones

I have a M559 mobo mounting Cm8330. I'm using this board exclusively in pure msdos. But I noticed pc speaker sounds coming from LINEOUT 3.5" are veeeery quiet. And there is no pc buzzer volume in cmmix. Any way to fix that?

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