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Re: XCOM APOC palette corruption with new video cards

in DOS
giveio is just like porttalk. It allows access to IO ports that NT doesn't allow. This is dangerous since your talking directly to the hardware so the chances of crashing your machine or making it unstable are greater. So in other words, probably not a good idea to try it. That's what we were …

Re: XCOM APOC palette corruption with new video cards

in DOS
One item of note where our cases differ, Jvieira - when my friend tried running xcom with no sound, the palette issue stayed; you'd previously posted that disabling sound fixed the graphics issue but left you with no sound. This is one of those cases where its a little harder for me to troubleshoot …

Re: XCOM APOC palette corruption with new video cards

in DOS
VDMSound's cpu emulation Which is nonpresent, jfi. Ah, I see; in any case, it still runs smoother than dosbox for me at the moment. Wish I knew why! Try something like "cycles=max 95%" in dosbox.conf and play with the percentage value a bit. We had set it to flat cycles=max before, and there was …

Re: XCOM APOC palette corruption with new video cards

in DOS
Hi - I am attempting to help a friend troubleshoot the exact same problem you began this thread with, jvieira - corrupted graphics under VDMSound with an ATI graphics card. I've helped them set up dosbox and pretty much matched the steps and suggestions as shown here (and duplicated the setup on my …

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