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Re: To save the daughterboards!

how much would you charge to produce these in small numbers? would you be open to releasing schematics and parts lists? I'm not sure about producing them, but I am in the process of making a new guide. I, for one, would love to see the parts list... then head to the local Fry's to start of my own! …

Re: To save the daughterboards!

How does it sound, compared to the wavetable header/soundcard solution? It sounds a bit better, mostly because of the quality of the audio jacks and amplifier used. Wavetable daughterboards are pretty much their own audio device, so any upgrade in quality comes really from whatever it is being …

To save the daughterboards!

Just as a quick preface: I've always loved wavetable daughterboards, despite their lack of support and overall quality. Though I have moved on to better modules (Roland SC-55st instead of SCD-15 and Yamaha MU-10 instead of DB50XG), I always still had the old "lesser" wavetables that sat around being …

Re: Which vlb video card to get?

I never had the VLB Mach32, was just reporting what I recalled from when they came out. A quick search on Usenet seems to affirm what I had remembered (in a fairly vitriolic way in some places), but I suppose it really is a mixed bag!

Re: Which vlb video card to get?

The ATI Mach32 VLB was a pretty well-disliked card. It would cause hangs with even basic VGA modes in games -- particularly through windows. If I recall correctly, it also has to be manually configured to operate with specific monitors and refresh rates through some program that I don't know if is …

Re: Sound cards - from best to worst

I'd just like to add an addendum to what people have said about the ESS 688 AudioDrive. There was a second and third chip in the 688 line that added a slew of features to the 688's compatibility, those being the 1688(F) and 1788F chipsets. The 1688 added hardware MPU-401 support instead of the 688's …

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