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Re: windowed mode

I don't understand much of that. But I'm not that bothered about recording dos anymore. I can't get fraps to work at all. The main thing I record is doom via the port skulltag which has opengl. When I press the hotkey nothing happens. I've tried all the modes but I get nothing.

Re: windowed mode

Also please understand that i might not understand everything and don't just assume i'm not listening or haven't read the documentation. We understand that but you must also understand that what you're asking of VDMSound and NTVDM is just not possible with FRAPS. That is, FRAPS can only record …

Re: windowed mode

I am paying attention to what people are saying unless this is what you mean. You did try to increase cycles, didn't you? Yes I did increase the cycles. I've heard dos box requires alot of power. I would have thought telling you the game is blood was enough as it's not supposed to run well on dosbox …

Re: windowed mode

blood is the only game i use a dos emulator for as there are ports for all the other dos games I have. blood runs super slow with dosbox so it's pretty much useless. I've tried fraps recording opengl for the port for doom skulltag and gzdoom but there is no response.

Re: windowed mode

Forgot to mention it's blood I want to record. Fraps doesn't work, I press the hotkey and nothing happens. I tried it in all modes in different games and the desktop but I get nothing 😖.

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