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Re: Kings quest VI voice problem?

Yes! I figured out the problem! I installed and played this game under my Local C drive, without the voices. So, reading this last helpful post, I tried using the D drive, where I re-installed the game and tried playing it, but since it didn't work in the D drive, I ran it in the C drive and it …

Re: Kings quest VI voice problem?

Alright, I found the sub folder named WIN, and opened it up to find SIERRA.INI. I opened the file, and this is what it contained: [info] title = King's Quest VI confirmdac = TRUE confirmmidi = TRUE cursorview = TRUE minhunk = 204K minhires = 375K audioBuffs = 2 synthtype=basesynth audpath=D:\ audio …

Re: Kings quest VI voice problem?

This is exactly what it says when I opened it under notepad: videoDrv = VGA320.DRV soundDrv = MT32.DRV audioDrv = AUDBLAST.DRV joyDrv = NO kbdDrv = IBMKBD.DRV mouseDrv = STDMOUSE.DRV memoryDrv = ARM.DRV minHunk = 207k language = 1 cmd = kq6cd sync = .\ audio = .\ audioSize = 8K cd = YES movieDir=D:\ …

Re: Kings quest VI voice problem?

Alright, once I did that, I opened the RESOURCE.CFG file, and it made me choose to search it from the web or select a program on a list. I chose the web, and it referred me to DynSite. I downloaded it, but I'm not sure how to use it to my advantage to make it work since I'm a little bad on computers …

Kings quest VI voice problem?

hey guys, Im not really familiar with the VDM program, but maybe someone can help me out one way or another. I have Kings Quest VI installed, and everything works great EXCEPT I cannot hear the voices in the game. Note that sound effects and music work fine, just not voices. What should I do? Would …

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