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Re: Automatic frameskip throttling?

It might be possible to use a timer and if we're not updating the frame in-time for the vertical retrace, we can "increase" our frameskip. Perhaps a fractional frameskip could be used... Unfortunately, the overhead in doing so is probably significant as you'd have to do it every cycle (or at least …

Re: request to have my keyboard back

...maybe even ALT+SYSRQ+DANCEAJIG+F12 would be fine... if only you could get jig detection working... Basically all those KEYBOARD_AddEvent() calls either need to ask what the modifiers are, or ask for a translation _OR_ use an API along side KEYBOARD_AddEvent() -- maybe KEYBOARD_HotKey - that …

...my bad

dosbox has a real command.com my appologies; I probably should have just mentioned it isn't outside dosbox, or real mode might have been better; that programs run inside dosbox call it, usually, instead of MS-DOS's command.com (or the windows' command.com (or the freedos command.com (etc)); and …

that's not right...

Originally posted by dvwjr Afraid not... The ".COM, .EXE, .BAT" is hardcoded in the Command.com command procesor. One could hack Command.com with a hex editor and change the order or extentions to anything one wanted, this ability has been there since DOS 2.x ... I doubt that that many people have …


perhaps the game can't cope with big years? Can you try it on a modern machine running DOS or FreeDOS (VMWARE?) or you could temporarily set your clock back...

mixing gravis ultrasound

I'm interested in GUS/Interwave support myself- the one standoff program that I still need supports it, and the SB/emulation code just isn't fast enough (and I don't know that it ever will be). The mixer seems _mostly_ adequate, but it'd be nice to support other hardware mixers if some functions …

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