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Re: Legally getting older games.

This topic game up in another thread and I was asked to post my comments here and I carefully composed them but.... I got timed out and it threw my post out and so.... I ain't got the time for this... other than to say that I tried. SBDiT

Re: DOSBox, SoundBlaster and Age of Rifles

If DOSBox/Vogons cannot support abandonware software because of the legality issues involved.... I respect that (to be honest..... didn't think it was that big a deal but... I can see where you are coming from). Also... if DOSBox/Vogons WON'T support abandonware software even if there were no …

Re: DOSBox, SoundBlaster and Age of Rifles

Age of Rifles... is not generally available anymore... and the abondonware sites... usually don't carry games that are still available. I found out after DLing that..... it is still possible to get the game.... IF one is to trust the sites out there on the INet that say they have it and.... I have …

Re: DOSBox, SoundBlaster and Age of Rifles

Well.... no... 1. I don't have the CD to the game. 2. There is no 'install' that I am using.... and I tried configuring the sound from inside DOSBox..... tried various things there but did not get the sound. Again, the problem was the game was looking for the CD drive and not finding it... was …

Re: DOSBox, SoundBlaster and Age of Rifles

Just wanted to say here that.... I managed to resolve my own problem on this one. Was getting sound when I brought up Age of Rifles under normal DOS, and noticed it was prompting me that the E drive was not ready. So, I added the option: -c "MOUNT E E:\ -t cdrom" to my DOSBox command in the shortcut …

Re: DOSBox, SoundBlaster and Age of Rifles

OK, tried gus=false in the config file and... no change. Messed around with a lot of related things... and found the SOUND.EXE was detecting my SB at IRQ 5.... was set to 7 in dosbox.conf so tried changing that to 5 (also tried 7 for dosbox.conf and in the AoR sound config file) and... no change.... …

Re: DOSBox, SoundBlaster and Age of Rifles

Hmmm... the heading for this forum reads 'Getting old DOS games working'... but looking at the forum topics closer.... looks like it should read 'Getting old DOS games working UNDER DOS'.. and I really should have posted under DOSBox Games/App. If this is so just say the word and I will repost to …

DOSBox, SoundBlaster and Age of Rifles

I have a 2.2 GHz machine running XP Pro SP2... and I have other games running under DOSBox (was using 0.65 but DLed 0.72 for this and same results) and have no problem with the sound. V For Victory and Clash of Steel being two games that come up and no problem with sound or music. But... with Age of …

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