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Re: Windows ME

In my experience what really kills Win98 is installing lots of different versions of Direct X. Install the latest supported by the OS and then never allow an installer to add a different version. This so far has worked for me and I haven't had any problems with backwards compatibility yet...

Re: Wizardry 8 question

I have the game. I bought it new when it was released. I'll be happy to check the contents for you when I get home. Edit : Here ya go, Contents : One cardboard skeleton, 2 (maybe i lost one) disc sleeves, 3 Discs, and a 133 page B&W instruction manual. P.S. I cleaned the finger prints off after …

Re: Leisure Suit Larry 7 Slowdown.

Just did a little more testing, I remember setting the cycles because the audio use to get choppy but I tried setting it to max and it doesn't seem to have the same problem. I guess a little extra juice gets by whatever is causing the problem in the first place. Anyways just wanted to follow up, the …

Leisure Suit Larry 7 Slowdown.

I think this is probably a fault in the original game but I thought I'd bring it up here in case it could be remedied even though I've seen no other threads about this. It seems like a memory issue to me, the more screens you navigate particularly the ones with a lot of animation the slower the …

Lords of the Realm intro speed.

Hey guys, Just installed Lord of the Realms and the intro runs way too fast. I believe this is because of the speed of modern cdrom drives or the speed of a mounted iso image. Adjusting the cycles doesn't do anything for the speed of the video segments. Check out this video to see the issue: http:// …

SSI : Prophecy of the Shadow & MT32

So I've been messing around with Prophecy of the Shadow and I can't get it to run with MT32 for music. I've tried uart and intelligent mode but the same thing happens for each; the screen goes blank after starting the game and freezes. I watch my MT32 but no communication is taking place with the …

Wizardry 6 - Bane of the Cosmic Forge

I searched cause I expected to find lots of threads about this but didnt find any. How do I make the digitized sound play properly in dosbox? It's all distorted right now. I'm running the fancy mouse supported version which was sold through radio shack. I'll leave more info as needed but I'm …

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