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Re: D-Fend Reloaded (DOSBox frontend)

It listed it as "trojan.media-codec". Anyways, having removed it, will it affect anything? I assume that dosbox will still work the same without it? I mean, most Dos games wouldn't even require an additional video codec, right? And I have a typical codec pack installed on my computer.

Re: D-Fend Reloaded (DOSBox frontend)

My antispyware search found a trojan inside of the D-Fend folder after updating to 0.7.0. C:\Program Files\D-Fend Reloaded\Bin\installvideocodec.exe It successfully removed it, but, yeah... any explanation here? What is that file, and why was it there in the first place?

CD audio with D-Fend Reloaded?

I'm using DosBox with the D-Fend Reloaded frontend, and I can't get CD audio to work. The game is Quest For Glory IV, and in the past I've simply had the CD in the drive, and loaded up the game in DosBox. That worked. Now, I can't get it to work. Can anyone help? Also, a general question. Why is it …

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