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Re: Welcome to the updated VOGONS

in Milliways
You can click on the "last reply" bit to get to the last page. Is it really important to know the number of pages? Isn't the number of replies the better thing to know? Number of pages is a very arbitrary thing. For 40 replies you could have 1 page, or 40 or something in between. So the icon is a …

Re: Welcome to the updated VOGONS

in Milliways
Uhm..., no page numbers on the forum topic list? So you have to load page 1 and then load the latest page? ??? And you can't even see how many pages there are? Is that new?

Re: Game/Sound stutters with mouse movement

in DOSBox General
Was having this issue. I am using openglnb and don't want to change that since that drastically lowers quality. MiniMax recommended Try forcing the core=dynamic and set frameskip=1. Now, unsure which of those two seemingly did it, or if that's what I will stay with, but the effect was immediate.

Re: Floppy disk quality.

Baoran wrote on 2020-01-22, 03:21: Why would formatting make a difference? I don't see formatting doing anything different to a floppy disk compared to normal writing... Does it? Seems like track 0's going bad after a format. The file table gets messed up and it can't be undone. Same as with CD-RWs …

Re: Welcome to the updated VOGONS

in Milliways
We have smartphones and tablets now and these don't have a lot of space, so we need to use this space in the best possible way. that is why mobile versions exist, no reason to butcher desktop usability for that imo. You can have a small screen with a fine input device (phone or PDA with stylus), …

Re: Retrobrighting

I can't recommend sun exposure. I don't question that it works, but UV damages plastic. That's how it works. Try leaving some child's toys out for years. They will of course be bleached, which is the idea, but the surface of the toy will become soft, cracked, and delaminated. In fact, those cracks …

Re: Welcome to the updated VOGONS

in Milliways
Also would be nice if "review history" was just displayed under the post field like it was before instead of a button you must click back and forth on. Sorry if already mentioned.

Re: Welcome to the updated VOGONS

in Milliways
I’m sorry to have bad news for you, but these pictograms are here to stay since five years ago. They work for both mobile and desktop layouts, you probably want to go back to the web 1.0, running IE3 without style sheets... Was that necessary? ... This is an example of an excellent forum layout. As …

Re: Welcome to the updated VOGONS

in Milliways
Tell you what. Here's an "old skool" opinion. But guess what: The world doesn't stop spinning just because you want technologies back that are clearly out-of-style in the year 2020. Nobody uses tables anymore to do webdesign - what comes next, you'd like to have frames and flash animations back? …

Re: Welcome to the updated VOGONS

in Milliways
Yuck. A spaced out, pictogram laden forum without clear tables. And THIS on a site focused on running old software and hardware. In the old days, we would make a mobile version and call it a day, not compromise the integrity of the site for everyone, like Google would. The old design had flaws, but …

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