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Driver support for Windows 95

I recently picked up a socket 7 machine with a 200mhz mmx (for reference). It's got built in Rage II but the image quality is pure crap. I've been looking for a replacement PCI video card but I seem to be stuck with analysis paralysis. Trying to keep this on the cheap end of the pack so just looking …

Game Suggestions for Old Laptop

in Milliways
Hey everyone, it's been quiet awhile since I've been around. Mods, please move this if it's in the wrong place. Not sure where to place a generic question like this with all the new subdivisions. I recently refurbed my Toshiba 480CDT and am thinking of using it for some older less intensive games. …

Re: P2B With AGP Issues

So far... Asus geforce4 4600 Dell OEM geforce2 gts Asus geforce 4 mx4000 I've got a dell tnt2 in it right now. Had a dell rage 128 pro before that. Both work just fine, but both are the 64bit versions of the cards so I'm trying to find something with putting in the machine. I don't mind picking up …

P2B With AGP Issues

I have a P2B-S that seems to have issues with 1.5v keyed AGP cards. I've tried several cards with 3.3v only, and dual 3.3v and 1.5v keys and cards with the dual keying will cause error beeps on boot. The cards with only 3.3v keys boot just fine. I've read that this family of boards should run the …

Re: Senrew's Late Win98 Machine

I'm not currently equipped to do any component level replacements, and my hands aren't what they used to be. At this point, I'm just going to swap out the board/video for my P2B-S, p3/550 and a GF2 GTS and run that for awhile. This was more of an overpowered build to see what I can do with certain …

Re: Senrew's Late Win98 Machine

I must sadly report that this board is now effectively dead. Found a case and built it up and it kept shutting down after 10 minutes or so. Thinking it was thermal, I redid the goop on the CPU, with a PSU swap next on the list. Turned it on after the repasting...and we have magic smoke and cap …

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