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Re: D-Fend Reloaded (DOSBox frontend)

For the 1st one: interesting, it does that to me constantly. Any idea what my conflicting setting could possibly be? For the 2nd: I'm not sure what you're suggesting - the line breaks are sticky for me after I do it the way I described. Maybe some pictures could explain it: 1) Add game with wizard, …

Re: D-Fend Reloaded (DOSBox frontend)

Hi, fun little bug that took me far too long to figure out: dfr is unable to understand dos path<=>longer path. This in itself could be called a feature, but it's a bug when using other emulators; a) I add an emulator to, say, C:\Emulator\Sony\Sony Playstation (1994)\ePSXe 1925\ePSXe.exe b) I add a …

Re: D-Fend Reloaded (DOSBox frontend)

So I was having a bit of trouble with ScummVM within D-FR and now that I figured it out, I'm not sure whether this is ScummVM's or D-FR's problem. Namely, the filters do not work in DF-R - no matter what filter I choose, it stays the annoyingly small 640x480. When I open the game directly from the …

Re: D-Fend Reloaded (DOSBox frontend)

Understandable. Here's a feature request: quick rating button! "Mark as favorite" is useful, but I'd also like to differentiate between mediocre and total garbage :) I'm visioning clickable 1-5 stars as a new games list column. I know I can create user-defined key, give it a value and add it as a …

Re: D-Fend Reloaded (DOSBox frontend)

Dunno about the other ones, but the line break issue has disappeared <3. One little annoyance that you might want to take a look at: Mobygames changed their page again, this time causing all game descriptions to start with quite extensive country list; ... Buy at Buy at Please select your country: …

Re: D-Fend Reloaded (DOSBox frontend)

Under some not very clear conditions the runtime library listview component itself is slow. (It looks like this is due to the Windows environment: graphics driver, theming etc.) I had the same slowness problem with the previous version that "magically" went away. The only thing I can think of (and …

Re: D-Fend Reloaded (DOSBox frontend)

Great! You might've accidentally squashed another bug while fixing it - when you add a windows game manually, the screenshot directory is created correctly within D-FR, but it won't create the actual path before exiting the profile editor. This will cause a side effect when trying to download cover …

Re: D-Fend Reloaded (DOSBox frontend)

Hi, First of all: THANKS FOR THE BEST FRONTEND ON THE PLANET! The thing that does it for me is the ability to add Windows, ScummVM and "Other emulators". I love the fact that you're not purist. I like to have a single launcher for all my gaming needs and you're delivering. One thing I would like to …

Re: "This program cannot be run in DOS mode"

in Windows
I've been reading these forums for years but somehow managed to avoid registering until I saw this thread and I just HAD to register to be able to say: Thank you, I lolled so hard that I managed to wake up my newborn 😀

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