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Re: Might and Magic 4: Clouds of Xeen

The demo itself doesn't actually allow you to "play" it is automated by uses the game's actual engine to show you the intro and how the game runs. Before computers could handle mpeg4, that was how trailers were released 😉 I'll see if I can upload that demo somewhere. Thanks for the help!

Re: Might and Magic 4: Clouds of Xeen

With the CD version I have it in my d drive and mount it in dosbox as: mount d d:\ -t cdrom Most games I seem to get running fine with default settings only needing to change the cycles. I'm not exactly a DOSbox wiz. For the demo version I've tried running it off my Inherit the earth CD with doxbox …

Might and Magic 4: Clouds of Xeen

Having trouble getting this old RPG to work. It freezes when trying to create new party members at an inn and also just playing the intro freezes. This applies to my CD, is exasperation I tried downloading a version (since in Canada it's legal to copy things if you own them) and when that failed I …

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