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Re: Cache chips

To be quite frank, its not possible. You have a single bank of 512kb chips. Which gives you 256kb. The only upgrade are 1mb chips. thus giving you 512k. HOWEVER, past 256k you will need to upgrade the tag ram. But if you look, your tag ram is the small 256kb chip. That chip cannot be upgraded as the …

Re: Vintage (sort-of) Hybrid PC

The unit itself runs $300. And to get to 64gb, you need EIGHT 8GB dimms. Those are $300 a pop, new. so a fully populated drive = $2700 YIKES! That being said, If I ever hit the lotto, I'd get 24 of them, and fully max them out and put them one one of these bad cards: http://www.newegg.com/Product/ …

Re: Vintage (sort-of) Hybrid PC

the hyperdrive may be vaporware, but someone did make a 64gb DDR2 ram one. Aparently it will max out a sata2 connection, so they gave it two! http://benchmarkreviews.com/index.php?option= … d=308&Itemid=60

Re: Games that you would not want to see remake?

in Milliways
Another example would be the three stooges. Eye-gauging in black and white is just as funny as in HD color. That being said, re-releases are just as important. To elaborate on my example, I recently saw a sketch where they fought over a phone line in a wall. Ask a kid to point out the phone in the …

Re: Cache chips

if the cache chips are soldered on the board, 9 times out of 10 that's a BAD sign. If you look, the bios is probably hard soldered as well. I would check first to see if you have a FAKE cache motherboard. A picture the board and a close-up of the cache and we can tell you whats going on. I currently …

Re: My GLide PC

I have the same IDE raid card as well. It was stupid cheap on ebay if I remember right. Truth be told, what I "wish" to do is get 8x 20gb of the old quantum bigfoot drives. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quantum_Bigfoot_ … 28hard_drive%29 I just like those drives and I DONT KNOW WHY.

Re: Anyone familiar w/ Asus P3C boards?

its a 820 chipset board... My personal feelings tell me to burn both boards in a fire, but that's not really helpful. Hot flashin bios'es has NEVER worked for me in the past. Ironically using a 3com nic to flash a bios chip has. I can help you with that if you have one and the bios chip fits into …

Re: Dual P3 Xeon Rig

there was one on ebay for like 2 years that cost like $50, but it didn't have the brackets. then one day a 2nd appeared WITH the brackets for $100 + s&h and I bought it 3 hours after it was posted. yea. the cpu mounts for the xg-dls screw into a plate under the board that covers the ENTIRE board.

Re: Dual P3 Xeon Rig

I started to do something like this in wanting an old workstation, but ran into too many problems finding stuff for it. I've got the 900Mhz Xeon's and C440GX board, and Parhelia 256 (for my V2290b), but I never could find the CPU brackets for it and I was already well on my way with the dual 800 P3 …

Re: 486 motherboard

in Milliways
if that board supported EDO ram and 1mb cache, i'd buy it at that price. Thankfully it doesn't and I don't have that kind of cash at the moment...

Re: Dual P3 Xeon Rig

So I FINALLY got around to getting my XG-DLS system up and running today. there was 2 things holding me back. Well 3. but the 3rd isn't of any real significance. #1. cooling. #2. temp monitoring. So for #1, the "plan" was to find a pair of slot 2 heatsinks with fans built in. Well after several …

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