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Soundfonts in Windows 7

I upgraded to Windows 7 from Windows XP. It seems that 7 doesn't support soundfonts or switching between different MIDI-devices and only uses the standard Windows synth whenever a MIDI-song is played. It doesn't support the gameport either, but even if I were to connect my MT-32 with a USB-MIDI- …

Voyetra VP-11

I found a Voyetra VP-11 for sale: http://www.tradera.com/Voyetra-VP-11-MIDI-interface-for-paralellport-DOS-auktion_301978_139501067 It's apparently a MIDI-interface that connects to the parallell port. I could use it with my very compact Tulip 486 that doesn't have any expansion slots. Does anyone …

Re: PORNO! ...on your PC?

Once as a young boy I got a CD full of shareware and freeware. Most off the stuff was innocent, but there was a "game" called SimuSex that was not. You can check it out here if you are interested. It's freeware. http://gamegraveyard.net/game.php?id=16

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