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Re: X-COM: Apocalypse almost works in DOSBox 0.60

i know i know im using this command: E:\DOSBox-0.60\dosbox.exe C:\Games\XCOM3 -c "MOUNT H C:\Games\XCOM3\CD" -conf E:\DOSBox-0.60\dosbox.conf but still exactly the same problem like i start it without dosbox. the audio is stucky and it crashes after the intro. what dosbox configuration do u use? …

Re: X-COM: Apocalypse almost works in DOSBox 0.60

but i cant get it running! the sound is stucky and it crashes to prompt after it should run the real program. and those so called "patches" which should get it working on xp are fubared cause the cfg file is linked to L:\xcom3\xcom3.cfg. please tell me how i can get it running. i played around with …

Re: X-COM: Apocalypse almost works in DOSBox 0.60

Oo i wish i understand a single word he said. can u explain it in a bit newbie friendly form please? i tried to play xcom3 today. my os is winxp pro. the funny thing is the intro works only if i setup a sound card. it runs slow with a stutter in the sound and when i skip it, it crash back to promt. …

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