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Re: Win9x games that don't work on XP

in Windows
Warhammer: Shadow of the Horned Rat - ( install script not supported ) Warhammer: Dark Omen - ( very tricky to get working ) Starship: Titanic - ( Movie codec broken by Service Pack 2 )

Re: Dark Omen Windows 8

in Windows
don't have win8 here is how to get it working on win7 (for reference) http://forum.dark-omen.org/help-section/ultim … xes-t111.0.html

Re: Yet another attempt at vertical sync

For DirectDraw Change FullDouble to FullTriple simply by changing the BackBufferCount for the primary surface from 1 to 2 ( in DX5_SetVideoMode ) Instead of polling GetFlipStatus in a busy wait, simply return if the previous flip is still waiting to happen. (in DX5_FlipHWSurface) The problem is …

Re: Window Size

OP sounds like a bad idea... If you _really_ want to capture your desktop you should lower the resolution of your desktop ( which will make the dosbox window look bigger )

Re: Silent Thunder: A-10 Tank Killer II Direct3D

in Windows
DDraw is all over the patch docs. DirectDraw only affects A10-II Silent Thunder when running with full screen enabled in the Preferences Menu. The demo has lots of ddraw code in it... but I haven't look into how to get it activated with no preference menu.

Re: Unreal 2 on Intel GMA 3000? Graphical glitches!

in Windows
I had to run Unreal2 on a single processor. Have you tried that? Grab the MS ACT and select the SingleProcAffinity option or just start it from a shortcut that looks like: cmd.exe /C "START /AFFINITY 1 /D "D:\games\Unreal2\System" Unreal2.exe"

Re: DirectDraw Wrapper

Fixed an issue with the wrapper code that was causing a blank screen on OpenGeneral and probably hundreds of other games. --- YURI runs fine here so it will be hard for me to debug. It sounds like an issue with specific drivers... so the best solution from my point-of-view will be to add front …

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