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Re: 3dfx voodoo chip emulation

It would be cool if someone added the 3dfx emulation to virtualbox or some other virtualization program, but it would still be slow. Multithreading the 3dfx emulation as MAME does is probably best overall solution. It provides fairly good speed and excellent compatibility.

Re: 3dfx voodoo chip emulation

There was a version of MAME called mjolnir that used 3d acceleration for a limited set of Namco System 2x games. Perhaps looking through the code might give some ideas for accelerating 3dfx in DOSBox. http://caesar.logiqx.com/php/emulator.php?id=mjolnir

Re: Compiling for 64-bit Windows

So then is there hope for direct recompilation? Oh and i thought i 'd mention 64-bit does see a nice performance increase when doing low level emulation of 3d graphics processors, MAME is a good example. Low level emulation of 3DFX in DOSBOX would be sweet.

Compiling for 64-bit Windows

I'm compiling with MinGW-w64 and the MSYS environment. I used the following configure options: ./configure --disable-dynamic-x86 --disable-fpu-x86 --host=x86_64-w64-mingw32 --target=x86_64-w64-mingw32 The only thing i can't figure out is the error in cdrom_aspi_win32.cpp. In file included from core_ …

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