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Re: New command.. colors

Yeah, i've actually added this to the 16-bit OS that i'm working on.. It keeps the color for 8 pages (Which, is the number that DOS contains in the normal video mode), so, yes, it will keep the color if you do a "Dir" command, or any other command that scrolls the screen. I'm going to re-write this, …

New command.. colors

Created a new command for DOSbox.. it's a variant of the command prompt's "Color" command. Note: Does not support intense colors Code: [org 0100h] [section .text] mov bl,0x80 mov bx,0x82 mov si,bx lodsb cmp al,'"' jne error main: lodsb shl al,4 mov [digit_tens],al lodsb shl al,4 shr al,4 mov [digit_ …

Problem using BIOS to display 256 colorset

Hi, I am trying to display the 256 colorset usable by the BIOS in DOSBOX 0.73 It works.. but only for half of the colors. The other half is a giant mass of blinking squares. This works anywhere outside of DOSbox. Here's the code. [org 0100h] [section .text] mov bl,01 MAIN: cmp word [counter],255 je …

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