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Re: AdLib GOLD clone is now a reality

Hi there. I need some help from GoldLib users. Recently i found out that, unlike other sound libraries, my Goldlib plays PCM sound usually with one channel disabled (or sound on that channel extremely low), but that happens ONLY with HMI SOS sound library. Examples of games that use HMI are Abuse or …

Re: Can’t run Simon the Sorcerer

in DOS
Oh awesome. Thank you for pointing me to this. :D I wonder if something can be done with Simon, too. Simon already has MT32 + Speech. It's soundtrack probably won't sound too good in a general MIDI module, but if you have a SC-55 you can use the MT-32 mode on the SC-55 at least. Not sure if Simon …

Re: Can’t run Simon the Sorcerer

in DOS
Oh awesome. Thank you for pointing me to this. :D I wonder if something can be done with Simon, too. Simon already has MT32 + Speech. It's soundtrack probably won't sound too good in a general MIDI module, but if you have a SC-55 you can use the MT-32 mode on the SC-55 at least. Not sure if Simon …

Re: Can’t run Simon the Sorcerer

in DOS
Yeah, I suspected as much. It's a bit like BASS - I can't use the Roland sound canvas without losing the speech. It has to have the Sound Blaster option in order to get speech, music and SFX. I think before, when I used my onboard sound, I had the MT32 option enabled, and that was as close as I …

Re: Can’t run Simon the Sorcerer

in DOS
Did you have any luck? I got a bit lost when I checked and wasn't sure what to do or which file to check. ^^; Just checked, and weirdly enough seems like this game does not use MIDPAK, which usually accompanies DIGPAK, instead seems to be using something else which seems more akin to LucasArts game …

Re: Roland RAP-10 outputs in MONO only!?

I think it's important to leave this info right here, related to the OP subject: - The Roland RAP-10 is mainly supported by 2 Audio Libraries: HMI SOS and Miles Audio Interface Library 3. - HMI drivers only use 1 DMA channel thus sound is monophonic; - AIL3 drivers use 2 (high) DMA channels (as …

Re: Connecting DOS to modern LAN via Samba network bridge

in DOS
That's neat, I looked at ETHERDFS too and I still have it on my list to try at some point since I imagine it's more memory efficient than Network Client. I also took a similar approach and had the same drive letter/share set up on all my machines which is really neat, though in the end I decided …

Re: Can’t run Simon the Sorcerer

in DOS
Is it possible to get the SC-55 to work with the original DOS version? The only options it gives are Adlib, Soundblaster, and MT-32. I get why folk have said it was originally designed for the latter. The description does say though to select that music driver if you have an MT-32, LAPC-1, or MPU- …

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