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Re: List of motherboards with SB-link (PC/PCI) header

in Marvin \ Sound
There appears to be solder pads for SB-Link on the Intel D850EMV2. Its the right configuration of pins and given its proximity to the ICH2, I'm inclined to think its PC/PCI. s-l1600.jpg D850EMV2 PCPCI.PNG Sorry to necro a year-old thread, but I've got an update here. I've soldered a PC-PCI header …

Re: P4 3.06 / RD-RAM / FX Graphics

EDIT - I can be a bit slow sometimes... what exactly does PC/PCI mean? PC/PCI is a separate connector for doing ISA IRQ and DMA signaling on a card that isn't ISA. Great for getting good Sound Blaster compatibility in DOS and Win9x on PCI cards that support it, and some very good ones do. Since …

Re: P4 3.06 / RD-RAM / FX Graphics

Very nice! I'm working on a very similar build myself, but with the Micro ATX version of this board (which, it has been extremely hard to find a D850EMDR, which is revision that will take the 3.06ghz P4). I'm very curious how that 4 x 512MB @ 1066Mhz works out for you. AFAIK, these boards will only …

Re: List of motherboards with SB-link (PC/PCI) header

in Marvin \ Sound
As you mention industrial motherboards, was it used for other things than sound cards? The actual header and cable weren't, to my knowledge. The sideband signals that PC/PCI uses were also used to connect to PCI-to-ISA bridge chips built onto many industrial motherboards so they could properly …

Re: List of motherboards with SB-link (PC/PCI) header

in Marvin \ Sound
I am interested in this topic. I have not found much information online about how it actually works. Can you have SB link without any ISA support? (Some boards from this era have unsoldered ISA slots.) Yes. The important thing is that the chipset and memory controller supports everything necessary …

Re: WP32 McCake : MT32 compatible waveblaster board

in Marvin \ Sound
Wonder what heat level expected, how safe it will be for compact cases that have not so effective cooling or not have it at all? CM4 should have 6.5W TDP at the worst. The heat it generates should only really be a concern for the CM4 itself, and nothing else in the case. Running MT32 Pi or a …

Re: List of motherboards with SB-link (PC/PCI) header

in Marvin \ Sound
There appears to be solder pads for SB-Link on the Intel D850EMV2. Its the right configuration of pins and given its proximity to the ICH2, I'm inclined to think its PC/PCI. Filename s-l1600.jpg File size 468.99 KiB Views 5159 views File license Fair use/fair dealing exception Filename D850EMV2 …

Re: Ultimate Turtle Beach Build

At this point I think he's a troll account. Maybe but my theory is that every forum has at least one - delete their account and another shall appear - and in the scheme of things this guy is harmless from what I've seen. I.e. not malicious like some we've experienced in the past. There's no way …


So, this guy who goes by the name gtaylormb has reverse engineered the OPL3 (which help from Steffen Ohrendor C++ implementation of the OPL3) and coded an equivalent entirely in Verilog! Here's his project at GitHub: https://github.com/gtaylormb/opl3_fpga He's also got some Youtube videos …

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