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Re: Ancient DOS Games Webshow

Ancient DOS Games Episode 22 - Ken's Labyrinth is online! Before starting Ancient DOS Games, I primarily wrote freeware and shareware games under my Pixelmusement banner. One of the biggest sources of inspiration for my games has been not only Ken's Labyrinth, but much of Ken Silverman's other work …

Re: Ancient DOS Games Webshow

Ancient DOS Games Episode 21 - Captain Comic is online! I somehow managed to make the episode exactly 9 minutes long, which means it's a little shorter than usual, but I managed to sneak in several on-screen moments such as the keyboard I use to display the controls for a game and a couple other …

Re: Ancient DOS Games Webshow

A glitch probably happened when you were trying to watch it last. Clear your browser cache and try again and you should be fine. If not, maybe you need to update your Flash player or use a different browser? As far as I can tell, the new filler episode loads and plays back flawlessly and no one …

Re: Ancient DOS Games Webshow

Hm. Something seems wrong with this ep. Although the ads play fine, the actual video stops playing for a long time while buffering after 27 seconds and stops altogether after 2 minutes or so, just after the Tandy section begins... All the other eps play fine and my connection should be able to …

Re: Most rememborable Dos game characters

in Milliways
Duke Nukem is definitely a memorable character. Since I grew up with a lot of shareware titles I'd also have to say Commander Keen, Baron Baldrik and Skunny. Curiously, I find the Guidebot from Descent II memorable and I'm not 100% sure why since it always got in the way. Apparently I wasn't the …

Re: Ancient DOS Games Webshow

I have a filler episode online now while I take a short break from my regular Ancient DOS Games duties. Here's a link for those interested: Filler #2 - Display Adapters Basically, I just go over all the display adapters used in DOS games and show some games which demonstrate each of them in some way …

Re: decentralization of the PC

in Milliways
The simple fact is that the closer some component is to the CPU, the easier it is to send signals from it to the CPU or back. Same for RAM. Same for a video card. Internal components will always be around for the simple fact that there will never, at any moment in time, be a wireless or wired …

Re: Ancient DOS Games Webshow

I knew someone was going to ask this eventually. ;) OK, here's the steps I perform using the art program Paint Shop Pro. You should easily be able to adapt these steps to any program that has equivalent functions. 1. Get yourself a screenshot of any Game Arts game that uses this special dithering. A …

Re: New Webshow: Ancient DOS Games

in Milliways
Fine show! I watched the Dark Forces episode a while ago and didn't get the live action joke. However, now I just randomly watched an episode of AVGN and came across the explanation :P Yup. When James' September episode of AVGN came out, I decided that even though a thousand and fourteen people …

Re: Ancient DOS Games Webshow

Ancient DOS Games Episode 20 - Fire Hawk / Thexder 2 is now online! Although the episode is only 20 minutes long, I managed to pack a lot of stuff into it. First there's an unboxing, which I had to condense down to a slideshow unfortunately because the video compression got badly corrupted apart …

Re: Cakewalk Professional Demo Pack?

in Milliways
I've actually used the old Cakewalk software before on outdated high-school computers. It's what got me into music tracking with Impulse Tracker. (Something I really need to get going on my website sooner or later.) I did eventually pick up Cakewalk Express for $20 and it came with MIDI cables too, …

Re: Ancient DOS Games Webshow

Nice and interesting episode (as usual (; ). Strangely enough, I've hated the game when it came out. I think the last fighting games I've really enjoyed were International Karate and IK+ on the C64. Looks like I'm not cut out for learning complicated combos. And to be frank, I think the robot …

Re: Ancient DOS Games Webshow

Ancient DOS Games Episode 19 - One Must Fall 2097 is online! I took a moment roughly halfway through to go over all the destruction moves in the game, since some of them are really difficult to perform and I felt it would be a good spectacle. ;) When I was looking up the game's specs I had nearly …


in Milliways
I'm pretty sure that's right, based on my knowledge of how clock speeds work with processors, but I will admit I have virtually no experience with co-processors. I did some reading before replying and it seems that most processors have equivalent co-processors to go with them so it's best to find …

Re: Most disappointing games?

in Milliways
All Duke Nukem games released after Duke 3D are abysmal! I recently completed my Duke collection by purchasing "Duke Nukem: Land of the Babes" and it's absolutely terrible. I liked Duke Nukem: Manhattan Project. You really need a good gamepad to get the most out of it though and not a lot of PC …

Re: GOG.com is gone

in Milliways
um, what's changed... just a new site, that's all? Supposedly, they re-wrote 98% of the codebase for the website. *shrugs* The "beta" status is gone now too and all the new features are mostly just minor additions to what was originally there. *shrugs again* Not worth making millions of users think …

Re: Most disappointing games?

in Milliways
Mechwarrior 2: Mercenaries This game had so much potential, but they really dropped the ball on the musical selection and the number of bugs in the initial release was unacceptable, not to mention the randomly generated missions felt like they were tossed in at the last minute. Even with all the …

Re: Ancient DOS Games Webshow

Ancient DOS Games Episode 18 - Xargon is now online! :) No one guessed this week's episode, though one person got technically close by guessing Kiloblaster, which was released as freeware at the same time Xargon was. :P While playing through the game for the review, I noticed that the actual final …

Re: Sega Teradrive computer on ebay

in Milliways
That's the standard JIS layout. Japanese doesn't use spaces very much, so the spacebar was narrowed to make room for the additional mode keys. True... but I've also seen spacebars that tiny on English keyboards. Besides, if you type even remotely correctly, the space bar is right under your thumbs …

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