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Re: What Happened to My Old Games PC?

I'll keep that in mind. Hey, I've been wondering: On my old comp I figured out how to do things like configure Win98 so it gives you an option at boot of whether to go into DOS or Windows (and from there, options such as "load with EMS" or "Load DOS without CD-ROM" (so you can load an ISO as your CD …

Re: Always bet on Duke

I dunno if this would be "successful," but you know what I'd like to see them do with this game? Just make it like Duke 3D. A straight-up, fast-paced shooter. You, some aliens, and a dozen different ways to splatter them. Forget story or character development, forget trying to make it "realistic," …

Re: image creation and mounting in windows 98

I was just about to ask this same question! Glad I looked first. Don't you have to pay for Daemon Tools though? Or is this the "Lite" (freeware) version? EDIT: Nevermind, I checked. I'm experimenting now to see how I can play multi-CD games (such as Riven) directly from the ISOs, as to not wear out …

Re: What Happened to My Old Games PC?

Hey guys, Last night I tried some of ya'lls suggestions (reseating, cleaning the contacts etc) and then booted the thing up. Oddly enough, now its working fine, and hasn't given me any trouble since last night. I'm still a little skeptical, as this thing is known to work great for a long time then …

Re: What Happened to My Old Games PC?

Its infinite long beeps. I think its a CMOS bios but without being able to turn the computer on I can't really tell. I have trouble believing its the memory considering its used several different sticks by different makers, unless its the socket itself that's bad. EDIT: In all honesty I'm tired of …

What Happened to My Old Games PC?

As I said when I first came here, I had an old game's computer that just stopped working right. The machine in question was an AMD-K6 processor (I don't know what the motherboard was) that ran at 500 MHz. I never overclocked it. It usually had about 64mb of RAM in it, but I switched it out a few …

Re: What are my options?

I'm experimenting with virtualization. EDIT: So far I've tried Virtualbox and Virtual PC 2007. The result: Windows 98 SE is up and running in VPC 2007, and the first game I tested (Amber: Journeys Beyond) showed every sign that it was working fine. I'm now seeing how far I can push this thing. As …

Re: What are my options?

Hey Guys, I'm back and I'm trying something different. I recently saw Youtube videos of people installing Windows 98 in a DOSbox session. How is this possible? I was thinking that if it works, it would be the perfect solution for much of my gaming library. Anyway, I at least want to try it.

Re: What are my options?

And what if some games use Glide or OpenGL? Granted, all the games I can think of that use those will play just fine on modern Windows, but it never hurts to be sure.

Re: What are my options?

After looking over the suggestions in this topic, here's my preliminary plan of action: Get a machine like the Alienware Aurora (EDIT: See link below), play DOS games with Dosbox and Windows games via either Virtual PC 2007 or via a dual-boot (will that system even support a Win98 dual-boot?) EDIT: …

Re: What are my options?

Just a quick question: has anyone here ever tried Virtualization? I'm asking because it seems to me like my only options are either that, or build a new computer. Kinda wary of the latter because if I build a new computer I'd like it to be a top of the line machine, not something that's …

Re: What are my options?

How well does Wine work? Will it do games like Amber: Journeys Beyond which require you to install quicktime or other movie codecs? Is it possible to have a not-quite-obsolete computer (something like the Alienware Aurora) and make it dual-boot Windows 7 and 98 with a minimum of fuss?

What are my options?

Hey. I'm new, and I was driven here by a tragedy. For over a decade my solution to playing old games was to use an actual old computer. Unfortunately, that computer has now bit the dust for good. In its place, I was thinking of getting a modern computer (never saw the point of updating since I'm …

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