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Re: Duengeon Keeper scaler issues...

Ok, well after fiddling with that Alt+R to change the screen resolution, now even when I play a new game it sticks with SVGA, so right now I'm happy with it! New problem though, Theme Park. It has a similar issue, I like to play it in SVGA, to fill the screen in 2X scaler, which I can do by pressing …

Re: Duengeon Keeper scaler issues...

With the powers of the internet and Google, I discovered that you can change the game's resolution by holding alt and pressing r. Thisswitches the game into SVGA mode! So going back to my old conf file, here's the result! http://img855.imageshack.us/img855/4354/dkscreen5.png Hurrah! Though I did …

Re: Duengeon Keeper scaler issues...

OK, I think I know what I'm doing wrong, I figured out that the screen resolution in menus are much bigger than the game play screen resolution. Meaning that if I force the whole game to run on 2X I'm doubling the resolution for menus and the game, but the difference in resolution is a the issue. …

Dungeon Keeper scaler issues...

Hey there, long time no write... I've been getting back into my DOS games again, and cracked opened a classic, Dungeon Keeper. I made the conf file, and everything worked fine until something weird happened with the scaler... http://img853.imageshack.us/img853/5963/dkscreen1.png The Menus are …

Re: DOSBOX with Steam

Ah ha! Got it! Ok, I really do appreciate you guys helping me out! ADDiCT had a solution, even though it wasn't 100% right. This is how it works... Target: "C:\Games\DOSBox-0.74\DOSBox.exe" -conf themeP.conf The Parameters go OUTSIDE AND AFTER the quotations! Even if you guys didn't give me the …

Re: DOSBOX with Steam

Yes, but only in Steam games... The ironic thing is, Steam games you buy give you and option to add a command though the "Launch options" setting in the properties, but you can't do this for Non-steam games. Now, what I can see is a "Target" and a "Start in" in the properties for Non Steam games, …

Re: DOSBOX with Steam

Ok, I just quickly tried that out, turns out that Steam only looks at executables (*.exe) or shortcuts to executables only :( Would've been great if there was a "All Files" option in the open window, but it's just *.exe only. EDIT: Thinking about it, can you treat a batch file as an executable? as …

DOSBOX with Steam

I need a bit of help with using DOSBOX with Steam, now I have been looking around for the solution that I need but I find nothing, either on this forum or on Google. If there's a solution on the forum, I'll apologise in advance... But lets get into the nitty gritty... I have all my DOS games running …

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