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Re: Washed out colors in Windows 3.

Thanks for the confirmation keenmaster486. And thanks for the info leileilol. I switched to the S3 driver and the colors now match what I remember. This is odd to me because my first computer only had a VGA display and ran Windows 3.0, but I remember the colors being more-saturated. However, I …

Re: Washed out colors in Windows 3.

Thanks for the post keenmaster486. I don't remember ever seeing this either, I didn't even think it was possible to re-define the color palette in Windows 3! Do you know which version of Windows you're using? Is it Windows 3.11 For Workgroups?

Washed out colors in Windows 3.

I'm emulating Windows 3 in DOSBox and I've noticed that the color palette is washed out. Here is a side-by-side comparison of a screenshot I found online (left), and the colors I'm getting now (right). Notice the green background of Solitaire on the left is less-saturated. This is true for several …

Re: Tandy audio accuracy?

Chilly Willy: Thank you very much for helping me. I've been trying to get a more detailed explanation of the audio capabilities of BASIC on the PCjr and Tandy 1000 for the Video Game Music Preservation. Here is my current attempt: http://www.vgmpf.com/Wiki/index.php?title=Tandy_BASIC_MML ripsaw8080: …

Re: Tandy audio accuracy?

For some reason, the designers labeled the commands weirdly. SOUND ON/OFF toggles audio going to the RCA jack (external speaker), while BEEP ON/OFF toggles audio being played on the internal speaker. According to the manual, NOISE is set to only work on the external speaker, it purposely throws an …

Re: Tandy audio accuracy?

Could you do one more test for me, just to be clear. Please open GW-BASIC, and run the following program: 10 BEEP OFF: SOUND ON 20 BEEP 30 SOUND 500, 30, 15, 0 40 NOISE 0, 15, 30 50 PLAY "C D E F" When you run this without an external speaker attached, do any of the statements play audio, or do you …

Tandy audio accuracy?

Can anyone with a real Tandy 1000 verify something for me to check the accuracy of DOSBox? In the Tandy BASICA manual, it says that using the command BEEP OFF : SOUND OFF turns off both the internal and external speakers. However, if I run the following program in DOSBox with machine=tandy, I hear a …

Tandy Sound Question

There are two Tandy sound devices, the 3-voice speaker and the DAC, but as far as I know there is only one Tandy sound setting. How can I know when specific Tandy sound devices are enabled? Is there a way to turn on just the 3-voice chip, or just the DAC?

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