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Re: RReady (Rendition Verite wrapper) Test Build (Alpha 1)

in PC Emulation
Sorry I have to correct myself (I have missed the + and - by my keyboard layout). And now I have wait after pressing F6. Original game bundled with 3D Blaster PCI, on real HW run it with Verite mode and F7 crushes F6 garbaged screen for about 10 seconds than freezes with no signal + no effect - no …

Re: RReady (Rendition Verite wrapper) Test Build (Alpha 1)

in PC Emulation
if you press F6 then + and - is not crushing If you start a game and hit '+' (at the default resolution 640x400) the game doesn't crash.. This might be a game bug. Also the resolution change is weird at 640x400 (at startup) the framebuffers are 0xE000, 0xE00 + (640x400*2) At pretty much every other …

Re: Aladdin (DOS) music - SB16 vs. SBPro vs. WSS

in Marvin \ Sound
Is IRQ 5 used by only the YMF724? I have not tried Aladdin with PCI sound card nor under Windows. You should try MS-DOS mode. Although I'm not familiar with PCI Yamaha chips. ISA based YMF for Blaster Pro not needs driver in DOS at all, but likely this is full different with PCI YMF.

Re: Which games are better on a Macintosh?

I think I have 30+ machines and additional cards (mainboards, gfx/sound cards, ram, cpu's) for 50-100 machines. currently installed: Schneider Euro PC => Nec V20 upgrade, 5,25 360KB, MU50 serial->RA50 , MCE-Card Nec 71vm/1970nxp) older vid https://youtu.be/MSvx0ddJREk Apple IIGS => CF-HDD Solution, …

Re: Which games are better on a Macintosh?

@Dimitris1980 Beautiful room! @dr.zeissler Big collection! Schneider Euro PC Apple IIGS Mac LC Power Mac 6100 Acorn Archimedes? Atari Mega ST Amiga 2000 PC? with lovely Roland modules Acorn Archimedes? Amstrad CPC (Schneider one) I'm not familiar with Acorn machines. Is there a PC emulator card in …

Re: games that are better on a Macintosh

The Yoot Tower (called The Tower II in Japan) developed on Mac and than ported to Windows 9x. The Windows 9x port has a big problem which does not exist in the original Macintosh version: https://youtu.be/CqNECXCd9iU?t=513 ps.: The prequel game the SimTower (called The Tower in Japan) also developed …

Re: Proprietary 3D API's

in PC Emulation
Hi Gona. There seems to be some trouble with the site. It used to work earlier for me. I have to use the Internet Archive to access old versions. Isitdownrightnown says that the site is down. I tried 3 different ISPs and they have the same result. Hi, my site provider has blocked full country …

Re: Proprietary 3D API's

in PC Emulation
I have added. Thanks! Hi Gona. There seems to be some trouble with the site. It used to work earlier for me. I have to use the Internet Archive to access old versions. Isitdownrightnown says that the site is down. I tried 3 different ISPs and they have the same result. Hi, my site provider has …

Re: RReady (Rendition Verite wrapper) Test Build (Alpha 1)

in PC Emulation
Could someone try running this on a Verité board: https://1drv.ms/u/s!As-dKk-N73dSlm9PauM6Svca3IQC?e=J8Wawg MD5: f10b56130a6526c522bc37bbb4f55667 On DOS box I get this: Pre-entry AX 0000, BX 0014, CX 0012, DX 0DED, ES 0188, DI 0040 On exit AX 158D, BX 0000, CX 0000, DX 0000, ES 0188, DI 0040 ES:DS+ …

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