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Re: Looking for Pie 3D GCS games

in Milliways
Neato. Nice to see all this work. There's a bunch of crossover between Pie in the Sky and RSD Game-Maker. Many of the same users, roughly the same time period. I didn't see on a few scans -- are these being collected somewhere in particular, online? Is there a repository?

Re: RSD Game-Maker source code

in Milliways
Yeah, I've always been fond of Game-Maker. It's a weird system, no doubt, but designing a game in this feels somewhere between snapping together Lego bricks and fiddling with the level editors in Lode Runner and Excitebike. Except it's for a full game. I think that game-like tone to the design …

Re: RSD Game-Maker source code

in Milliways
There's a bunch of potential! As eccentric as the game engine may be, the design environment is really great to play around in. If it could be updated and expanded in a sensible way, this could turn into something pretty cool.

RSD Game-Maker source code

in Milliways
Hi there! As of this morning, RSD Game-Maker has gone open source. Here is the source code to version 3.0, as distributed on GitHub. Right now it's early days for the project, and specific goals have yet to be defined. Here is the code to explore, though! https://github.com/gandrewstone/GameMaker

Dummy Duck 7

in Milliways
Hey! Sort of an interesting development. Alan Caudel of the Dummy Duck webcomic (a person who, I will specify, is not me) is now working on a varied NES styled DOS-based adventure-platformer thing. https://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash4/399646_334816386613677_744849743_n.jpg https://sphotos-a. …

RSD Game-Maker games

in DOS
Hiya. I'm trying to record for posterity as much as I can about Recreational Software Designs' Game-Maker. Is anyone here aware of any games not on the following lists? http://bit.ly/iXa2I8 http://bit.ly/iqHdpl I've another list of games that I've seen referenced, some of which (like the Dummy Duck …

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