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Problems installing King's Quest

I downloaded the VGA remake of King's Quest, unzipped it, and ran the install program. When I get to the point where I'm prompted to type in my drive letter, I do so and get booted out of the install program with this error. illegal command instgame.bat I tried other possible drives but nothing …

Re: Using 3rd party recording programs

Yikes. I followed much of what was being said, but I know next to nothing about code or about taking apart video electronically. And I don't think directly relevant to what I was asking anyway. Except maybe for the talk of video capturing, which I don't completely understand. Some program that does …

Using 3rd party recording programs

I'm one of those people for whom that codec will inexplicably refuse to install. I ran it as administrator like I read on some forum but that did nothing. My question is then how does one get a program like VideoLAN to record what you're doing in DosBox? It wouldn't make sense to use said program to …

Trying to install StarWars Dark Forces

I've tried both methods to install my copy of Dark Forces. I tried mounting the cd drive and installing the game from there. The trouble is, it claims I have 1 kb too many of hard drive space, but I've got over 400 GB. I've tried copying all the cd files like another forum mentioned making another …

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