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Re: Mechwarrior 2 3dfx and Windows 10 won't run

in Windows
Rhuwyn wrote: You might consider putting together some older machines for Retro gaming. Yeah, I may end up there. Right now, I'm in the process of trying a Win10 and WinXP dual boot setup. Half the fun is trying to get it to all work.

Mechwarrior 2 3dfx and Windows 10 won't run

in Windows
Has anyone been able to get this combination to work ? The game starts and I can navigate any of the menus but as soon as you Launch to get into the game world, it will crash with a "mech2.exe has stopped working' error box. After nearly a full weekend of trying all sorts of configurations, glide2x. …

Re: The American Brexit

in Milliways
While an adult, amazingly enough no matter who's been in the commanders chair over the many years, I've been able to direct my life to an enjoyable middle class level here in the USA. All this anger, speculation, fear and hatred is doing 0 good. They should funnel all that negative energy into …

Re: The American Brexit

in Milliways
The people in these 'not my president' protests going on currently come across to me as very anti-American. We had a rather crappy but fair vote and there was bound to be a winner and loser. They are basically throwing a tantrum, and to me, are behaving very childish. I feel like those protesting, …

Re: Carmageddon 3dfx very slow frame rates, why?

in DOS
Guys, just make sure your cycles are actually increasing. Dosbox has been iffy for awhile with the cycles not working as they should. on both trunk and the glide custom builds, sometimes starting it with auto has it stick at 3000 cycles http://image.svijethardvera.com/thumbs/dosboxauto.jpg , or …

Re: Carmageddon 3dfx very slow frame rates, why?

in DOS
I have about 40-45fps with default Yon (it was 35. 00000 for me). Changed to 100 as you said and the game was 35fps and choppy. Then changed it back to 35, tried again, exit, opened the options.txt and Yon was 50. 00000. So this is a variable of the program and i think changing it doesn't bother at …

Re: Carmageddon 3dfx very slow frame rates, why?

in DOS
I'm also using nGlide myself. Be sure to put core=dynamic and cycles=max in your dosbox.conf. If this makes no difference, try latest Yhkwong's build for dosbox http://ykhwong.x-y.net/ Also you should use carmageddon's 3dfx voodoo 2 patch not voodoo 1, it's the one with the voodo2.exe, not the …

Re: Uprrising 1 and 2 glidewrapper new version

in Windows
Here is the complete setup for uprising but in german, it works great on my xp pc. https://rapidshare.com/files/1054658699/Uprising_-_Join_or_die__zus__tzlich_CD_installieren_und_wieder_deinstallieren_sonst_keine_Anzeige_von_Schriften__Ordner_Fonts_muss_bleiben..exe Please try it to see if the …

Re: Uprrising 1 and 2 glidewrapper new version

in Windows
Please put the wrapper dll in the mainfolder of uprising or uprising 2, do the same with the configuration file, dont put the files in the windows folder. Be sure to download the rigth wrapper for uprising, sven has a second wrapper for a roll game on his site, this wrapper does not work for …

Re: Carmageddon 3dfx very slow frame rates, why?

in DOS
I'm finding out the 'yon' setting in options.txt makes a huge difference in frame rate. Set it to 25 and the game is pretty fast but lots of popup occurs. Set to 100 and has nice draw distance but frame rate absolutely chugs.

Re: Uprrising 1 and 2 glidewrapper new version

in Windows
Hi, Sven Labusch created a new better version of the Glidewrapper for uprising 1 and 2 ,it can be downloaded from his website. http://www.svenswrapper.de/english/whatis.html I will remove the old links to my website. Just tried this on Uprising in WinXP32 on a ATI X2300 vid laptop and get this..... …

Re: HyperBlade

in Windows
http://minifiles.ag.ru/patches/511/hbladev2.zip Thanks, that direct link didn't work but I was able to navigate the site and dl it. The V2 patch runs the game but only in software mode. :disapproving: Does not pick up dgVoodoo or nGlide. Just can't get this game to run in Glide mode; trying to get …

Re: HyperBlade

in Windows
I tried the 3dFX VooDoo patch just then, and it works, but theres issues, the sound repeats, and sometimes the characters dissapear, and it plays like a game with bad lag online. Is there such thing as a Raedon Patch???? There's no Voodoo patch (IIRC Hyperblade already supports the original Voodoo …

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