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Issues with typing in Shadowgate

I'm currently trying to play through Shadowgate (DOS), to pass the time while waiting for the new version of the game (kickstarter backer). But I'm having a major problem. The game crashes when I have to type something (which you have to do when you either try to cast a spell or save). In dosbox 0. …

Re: Set files=60?

Thanks for all of your replies. Unfortunately I have no way to check if your methods work, because somehow the problem fixed itself (and I made no changes to any config files, it just suddenly worked). If the problem reappears I'll try some of your methods.

Set files=60?

Hi I'm currently trying to get an old game (Alien logic, if anyone is interested) to run, but I'm running into a bit of a problem, which seem to be more generally dosbox related. When the install starts, I get the following error: FILES = 40 detected in your CONFIG.SYS Requires FILES = 60. So how …

Jeff Waynes The war of the worlds, either no music or no game in XP

in Windows
Jeff Wayne's The war of the worlds is not really enjoying XP. The copy protection seem to be causing some issues for the game to run (it flat out refuses to run without it disabled actually), but if I crack the game, I can't get the music to play. As you might know, this is a game based on a musical …

WingCommander 2 mouse issues with loadfix -32

I'm having some problems with WingCommander 2 gold. At ~7000 cycles, the game runs like a dream, up until a few missions in, when it suddenly crashes. I tried to re-play the stage 2 more times and it crashes at exactly the same point each time. So a quick google search later, I found out that I need …

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