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VNC for DOS?

in Milliways
Does anyone know if there is a VNC viewer/client that lets you control a more modern system from say a 8086/286 system with 640k? I did a quick search and found one on Sourceforge but it looks like it hasn’t been updated in ages. I’m thinking of consolidating some of my systems to one box and it …

Re: Luckybob goes on a tirade...

in Milliways
This is also one of the strange things about US citizens and their relationship with the police. I understand that the nature of emergency calls are much different than they usually are here in Europe, but I can't understand why people distrust police so much? In most studies around here, police is …

Re: Luckybob goes on a tirade...

in Milliways
[Jeff goldblum voice] Or..... Or..... Ah.... Um.... You could have told her no, you won't waste time and money on nonsense. [/Jeff goldblum voice] I don't give a crap what color they are. Why didn't their parents raise children to respect others and their property? I love technology, but it doesn't …

Re: FYI: Steam drops XP/Vista in 2019

in Milliways
Why install steam on an older rig when you can always download the games on your primary system, grab a No-CD by RZR/FLT/girl next door And ditch our DRM overlord Gaben?! Nonsense! Yeah... Steam is pretty terrible for a gaming platform, although I guess people who want the latest releases / don't …

Oh F*ck this Noise (newest Micro$oft cash grab)

in Milliways
When they were rolling out Windows 10, I warned all my IT colleagues this was coming. But then it seemed like maybe MS was going to give up on selling the OS and instead concentrate on selling applications. But then I saw this, and it looks like my original hunch was right: https://tech.slashdot.org …

SGI is dead, long live SGI

in Milliways
So some dude went and did a Linux desktop that is a very good clone of the SGI desktop 5DWM. Just thought I'd post this here if you want to spin your polys 1995 style: http://www.maxxinteractive.com/site/

Re: Pinball Arcade Losing Bally and Williams Tables

in Milliways
I was pretty surprised when I heard it originally. You can still get the tables until the end of this month, but each season ranges from $29.99 to $39.99 and there are no discounts (compared to past steams sales where each season was $10-$15). The cynic in me assumes it is one last chance to make a …

Re: FYI: Steam drops XP/Vista in 2019

in Milliways
Ok im gonna install steam on a XP box, install my favorite games, switch steam to offline mode and then image that sucker. Ugh. I'm probably going to have to do that for my Vista box, too. And an XP image so I can have a virtual XP disk on my Linux boxes. I kinda wish GOG had Pinball Arcade, I damn …


in Milliways
There is no single player mode. He only claimed that you can play the game without grouping essentially. Hmmm that's a bit different then. I'm cautiously looking forward to it, maybe I will let my buddy buy it first before putting my my money down. With respect to Fallout 4, I've moderated my …


in Milliways
Todd Howard is quoted at E3 as saying that there is a single player mode available for those that want it, so I don’t see any reason they would lie about that. My guess is the game will work best if you have a small group of trusted friends you can play with. Single player may be a bit bland …


in Milliways
True, I did not realize at first this was supposed to be like Day Z or Rust until I started looking deeper. That may keep me away if there’s no single player. I also must admit that I was very disappointed as well by the lack of RP elements in Fallout 4. I guess I may wait and see on this one before …


in Milliways
Oh hells yes: https://fallout.bethesda.net/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4MIqgUZKuIA Filename 190.jpg File size 29.38 KiB Views 2105 views

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