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Re: SMACKW32 2.x Wrapper DLL

in Windows
No, the 3.2j from Rage Expendable also exports '_SmackToScreen@28'. So I guess then if any Smacker Video 2.x games actually import '_SmackToScreen@24', then it would fail. Either the DLL failed to load or the main EXE would trap in exception when the function was called. Jedi Knight Dark Forces II …

SMACKW32 2.x Wrapper DLL

in Windows
With an unreasonable 1-month ban, finally back with some fresh air ... :D This is the outcome of playing games on WinXP VM. I thought it may also be useful for non-VM use cases, too. So let VOGONS archived it. Here's the story ... For early Windows games that make use of Smacker Video for opening …

Re: Table Fog & 8-bit Paletted Textures

I guess I was wrong again without thorough checking on other GPUs. lol In fact, WineD3D is capable of rendering Fog correctly on Thief2 TMA in pristine condition except on modern NVIDIA GPU , which I tested mine is GT730. It seems that it is a regression in NVIDIA OpenGL driver that no one cared and …

OpenGLide MSAA and sRGB visuals

You must be kidding ... that anyone is still working to improve OpenGLide in year 2021 ... lol Yes, outside of Windows, OpenGLide remains the only Glide wrapper for Linux and macOS. Anyway, the improvements are universal across Windows, Linux and macOS. So the improvement we have today addresses the …

Re: DSOAL EAX support on QEMU Windows VM

in PC Emulation
Wow that's pretty cool. This maybe the current solution for now going fowards because of the unreliable 3rd party vm software out there. ...well virtualbox & VMware weren't ever mean't to be used for playing games on them to begin with. Thanks, neither was QEMU. It is just a one-man ambition & …

Re: Table Fog & 8-bit Paletted Textures

Out of shear curiosity, I ran TMA NewDark 1.27 on QEMU with WineD3D. Everything checked out including EAX support from DSOAL, except for Fog. Sadly Wine still can't render Fog in NewDark. The stars on night sky looked fine and Direct3D9 render almost doubled the frame rate of original Dark engine. …

Re: GeForce4 vs. GeForce FX?

It’s a problem of nglide on fx or on modern video cards also? Cause I though Zeus fixed absolutely everything in glide emulation :) I don't have that answer. It was from the results from testing QEMU Glide pass-through with nGlide on modern video cards. Since I didn't have the issue with dgVoodoo2 …

Re: Table Fog & 8-bit Paletted Textures

Sadly, Thief 2 The Metal Age will remain as the game that cannot be restored in pristine retailed CD condition and preserved on QEMU VMs on modern systems. Mainly to blame the game unusual technics in using 8-bit palettized textures and fog in Direct3D. WineD3D would render the game just the same as …

Re: GeForce4 vs. GeForce FX?

There is a minor problem with nGlide for Undying. -- the mirror does not have reflection. I've never played this game; can you clarify? You said no reflection then posted a screenshot with a reflection. Is this the way it's supposed to look or is it wrong? Do you mean that there is no reflection of …

Re: GeForce4 vs. GeForce FX?

Well if you're sold on an FX for nGlide, then appear to be as confused as I am. Ti4200 installed, 45.23 drivers, 98SE, DirectX9, NGlide 2.10, no other cards present, no PCI Voodoo etc, just the Ti4200. Launched Undying with nGlide, and it worked. No idea how, it did, if anyone can clarify this or …

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