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Re: If you don´t have mutch room, but still need a retro computer, and your VCR just broke ;)

Specs are: Shuttle HOT-687V, but if I need, I can replace it with any classic mATX motherboard. I only put 128MB ram in it, but it can accept 512MB. Pentium III 800Mhz, but you can underclock it with those front switches, to 400@66 450@75 600@100 and some more unofficial settings. Standard 3,5" ATA …

Re: How many computers could you possibly build?

in Milliways
Cases cases, prefebli smaller AT and ATX desktop cases, because i have many 486 to Pentium III era matherboards, ISA sound cards and all else to make computers. Even multitude of AT and ATX power suplies. Put no worries, i put one 486 computer in dvd player case. And now i just finishing a Pentium …

Re: Who's still using XP?

in Windows
I am still usin XP, till it just stops working, my main rig is Core2Duo 3GHz, 4GB RAM, Geforce 9600, and i have dual boot XP and 7, but i hardly use 7. Only for newer games.

Re: Modern DOS games

in Milliways
I really love this site and these games: http://www.wieringsoftware.nl/ Games are minimalistic, but not too minimalistic, and lots of fun, and colorful graphics, and run from old computers, and dont take mutch disk space. Because many "modern dos games" are resource hogs or written not verry …

Re: Are casual games dead?

in Milliways
I allso think that original Unreal Tournament is a good example for a casual game, because Angry Birds is not casual, it is like Nintendo games, they are hard and frustrating, but if you wat to kill time, then Solitaire and simple run and kill FPS games 😁

Re: Half-Life vs. Unreal

in Milliways
Well i am a big fan of FPS games all the way to the beginning... So i played Wolfenstein 3D it was primitive, but DooM really blew me away. Then came Duke Nukem 3D and Quake(The dreaded thing what compelled me to exchange my 486 DX2/66 to a Pentium 133), but Half Life was like real life, i played …

Re: Which OS on a faster 486 system.

in Milliways
Rule of thumb is, that for good Windows 9x experience, you need a Pentium class computer. So 486 is a good DOS 5+, Windows 3.1x machine 😀 If you want nice 32bit modern experience, go with OS/2 Warp or somekind of minimalist LINUX distro.

Re: Why wasn't the Amiga popular in North America?

in Milliways
One thing was verry common with Commodore Amiga and 3Dfx Voodoo, they came out with groundbreaking and cool technology, way ahead of its time, upgraded it a bit over the years, and then faded away. Both shame, but if you think about it, they both stalled in some key points over the years. Now the …

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