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Re: fps football pro 97

in Windows
I apologize, this shouldn't have been posted here. It's actually not even a DOS game. It should be in the Windows subforum. Sorry for the confusion.. Anyhow, I should probably mention my OS is Vista 32bit.

fps football pro 97

in Windows
Couple issues with Front Page Sports Football Pro 97.. First, whenever a video is supposed to be playing in the game, it says "video not available, cannot find vids:IV32 decompressor". From what I understand this is an isue with the Indeo codec. But I already have this codec installed on my system, …

Re: fps football pro 95

Hi Collector, I installed both the floopy and cd versions, and both exhibit this problem. I've applied all the official patches, though it happened even before the patching. It happens with the default conf, and has also happened with several modified versions of the conf. I did also notice that it …

fps football pro 95

Experiencing a weird problem with the graphics, in Front Page Sports Football Pro 95.. Everything looks fine up to the point where the gameplay actually begins.. When it displays the field, it appears as if you're looking down at the field from a blimp in the sky. It shows a vast green field with a …

Re: a-10 tank killer

It did run better with the fix (for the floppy version; won't work with CD), but something I also noticed (which happened prior to and after the fix) is sometimes the game won't respond to left mouse clicks (I'll click a menu button, and the button graphic will change to a pressed button but will do …

a-10 tank killer

Small issue with A-10 Tank Killer 1.5.. When moving the mouse cursor down or right, it moves very slow (as if sensitivity was way down), but when moving it up or left, it moves at normal speed as it should. This seems to only happen in fullscreen mode. I tried each output source with no luck. Any …

sherlock holmes - serrated scalpel

There are some issues with The Lost Files of Sherlock Holmes: Case of the Serrated Scalpel. Basically you encounter freezes and audio pops during gameplay. After some research, I found that running in .73 you can at least avoid the freezes, but in .74 you're completely out of luck unless you can …

fullscreen lag

Hi I've noticed with a few games (one being Hexen) when displayed fullscreen, the game slows down alot, and audio skips or doesn't play at all.. When played in windowed mode this doesn't happen though.. What do I need to do to get it to run the same in fullscreen as it does in windowed? I've set the …

red book reader

in Windows
Thee's a number of older games that won't play music on my pc, apparently because it's in the old Red Book format. I know sometimes Red Book will play if the cd is in the lowest letter drive, but sometimes that won't work... Is there any universal fix or patch for this problem? Something that can …

aspect ratio help?

Hi how can I get my game to automatically run fullscreen while maintaining its original aspect ratio (having black bars on sides when necessary)? Is there a simple command for this I can type in the shortcut's target field (like -fullscreen etc)?

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