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Re: What game are you playing now?

badmojo wrote on 2024-09-09, 22:25: I play Quake with other game's soundtracks sometimes too - I'm not a fan of Quake's. Quake 2's goes quite well with it! Yeah it's kinda peculiar how well it lines up if you use the audio tracks from Quake 2 in the same spots as they are on the Quake 2 disc.

Re: Public FTP servers thread

I was going to say for the love of god don’t use Filezilla though! 🤣 Not sure if it’s changed but there was a huge uproar years ago over the developers insane reluctance to store passwords in encrypted form rather than plain text in the config file. He appeared to think that neither his nor any of …

Re: Public FTP servers thread

I'm surprised nobody mentioned ModLand FTP: ftp://ftp.modland.com Mainstream browsers removing FTP support for no reason other than "we hate FTP and want it to die" hasn't helped much. Yeah, I've been using the standalone FileZilla client for years even before Firefox decided to arbitrarily remove …

Re: What game are you playing now?

the 3Dfx version beats the hell outta the awful titanium edition It baffles me still to this day how absolutely bug-ridden the "Titanium Edition " releases of all the Mechwarrior 2 games are... You'd think a fresh release of the game like that is SUPPOSED to fix bugs not introduce more...

Re: Hella fast Magic Carpet

DOSBox will not help you run Magic Carpet at the "intended " speed either, PCem setup to emulate the kind of system that existed when Magic Carpet released is your best possible option barring not having that kind of hardware but like I said; the engine has no "fixed timestep", it will speed up/down …

Re: Hella fast Magic Carpet

You're better off playing the console port on PlayStation or Sega Saturn if you want to see that game run at it's "intended" speed. Every Bullfrog game running in that 3D engine originally made for Magic Carpet has no concept of "fixed tickrate" like how Doom Engine fixed everything to 35 Hz. If you …

Re: AI users?

Also completely unrelated, but being Greek I find your avatar and signature... interesting! in response to off topic: Yeah, it's a reference to old philosophies (My "kynikossdragonn" username is a reference to Cynicism and "DracoNihil" a reference to Nihilism) but I am neither Greek nor Latin, I'm …

Re: AI users?

There is something very weird going on with new threads and posts lately, it's as if a different kind of people suddenly actively joined the forum. Did any famous youtuber or similar recommend the forum? I can't think of anything else as the change is very sudden. I often bring up this forum during …

Re: How to check Unreal (1) version?

Launch releases don't have a version number at all (and will set FirstRun to False). The 222 disc (3dfx Voodoo3 release) dubs this as '200' though (System200 contains a couple of May 17 98 packages) Well now I'm just confused by this because I have two distinct retail copies of Unreal 1, one sets …

Re: What game are you playing now?

I however found merit in its deatnmatch with custom vehicle maps back in the day (....which no port bothers to support nowadays). There's like, only two things I've seen that does "vehicles" in Build Engine but not the same way SW did it with sector shenanigans; "AMC Squad" and I think to some …

Re: How to check Unreal (1) version?

Look at the "FirstRun" variable in the Unreal.ini . If you just installed Unreal from a retail disc it might look like this: [FirstRun] FirstRun=205 This variable is set to the engine version everytime Unreal is launched. The version also shows up in the main menu in the top right corner of the …

Re: What game are you playing now?

dr_st wrote on 2024-07-14, 10:35: There's Redneck Rampage (+ sequel) too, but the levels there are sooo huge and obtuse... Ah yes, locked doors that aren't tell-tale marked and keys that all look the same.

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