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Re: Where is the rest of the world?

I know what you mean when you mention the eye roll worthy statement on the OP's part but I guess he meant to say western allied nations. Yes, I was fully aware of that. The fact is that japans computers while somewhat obscure do have some level of coverage and blogs written about them. Im sure …

Re: Retro Rig Photo Thread

Just some pics of my Gateway E4200, rehomed in a Fractal Design Pop Silent. Specs are not remotely interesting - PIII-450MHz with 128MB RAM, Ensoniq Audio PCI, Voodoo 3 2000, and a USB 2 card connected to the case's top USB ports. I was considering adding some black cow-pattern decals to the case, …

Re: Table Fog & 8-bit Paletted Textures

I just tested Need for Speed II Special Edition in Glide mode. This game originally only used software rendering, while Glide support was added in the Special Edition release. The Glide version has several extra effects when compared to software rendering, including the use of table fog: All …

Re: What modern activity did you get up to today?

Did you try moslo ? lol Looks like a neat little cube, did it get you worried whether everything would fit? No, I checked dimensions before buying; plus, this is this is the second time buying the case, so I had an idea of what I can stuff inside. The bigger issues were concerning this teeny, tiny, …

Re: Apple M1 computer SSD

Yes, this appears to be the difference between Intel based Macs and Apple Silicon Macs. Intel based Macs have replaceable components ( Repairable ) Apple Silicon Macs have an “ALL soldered on components” ( Disposable ) ( Non-replaceable components ) like a laptop motherboard. No. Stop spreading …

Re: Apple M1 computer SSD

Man the Apple hate is kind of fun these days. Have I been so lucky as to have had no ssd wear issues, a cracked screen or hinge problems after having an Air M1 with 2 years of non stop use?

Re: nostalgia midlife crisis

My kids are around age 25-30, nowadays they either have old consoles or mostly emulators for various Nintedo/Sony/Dreamcast. Some buy or otherwise obtain old PC games on steam or whatever (not gog so much). But they have zero interest in my old computing gear, even when it was stuff they played on …

Re: The PC parts market is weird sometimes

We are in the process of a big clear-out before moving internationally. Coming back to AU? I did a big clear out recently because we moved interstate - probs 90% of my collection sold off / given away. It felt great to clear out all of that stuff and no regrets with my decisions... yet. All the …

Re: DOS Glide 2.4x Mod for Voodoo2

Hey, Gmlb. Seems like I spoke too soon. I managed to install your hacked OVL driver and gave the game another go. I dialed the FSB down to 100 and 133 and the game works a treat. My specs are the ones on my second cpu-z verification sig. I have yet to see a fatal crash with this driver. It will also …

Re: Issues with some games on a Voodoo 3

Also, note that static linked Glide games I'm not well versed in glide. How can I check if a game is static linked? Those are DOS games that doesn't require an external GLIDE2X.OVL file to run. Additional note that isn't yet mentioned on this thread: Earlier Windows games that uses the Glide …

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