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Re: Wing Commander 3 sound under XP

Audigy is not a problem, I have one myself. Anyway, this suggests a video driver problem more than a sound issue. Try this: Open a command prompt, run sapucdex, run wc3 (you might have to rename c:\wc3 to something else, so it doesn't try to use these settings). now configure it to run without sound …

Re: Wing Commander 3 sound under XP

true enough. and I think Vlad should make a new all-in-one package and include sapucdex and have it availlable in the gui with a box like "high level cd-rom support". of course only if the author of sapucdex (Sapu?) is okay with it. As for the Kilrathi-Saga, it is very hard to come by or better …

Re: Wing Commander 3 sound under XP

ok, first of all, vdms doesn't need and never does actually patch your exe, so it doesn't matter if it is on the CD. However for Wing Commander 3 you need to do: 1. disable the CD-Rom "driver" in %windir%/system32/autoexec.nt (put a rem in front of the line). 2. get sapucdex (look in the vdms- …

Re: Ultima 8 Pagan

huh? Why try harder? (if you meant me) So far it is Ultima 8 + patch + any way to emulate sound on NT based systems = bad sfx and speech. Music plays fine actually. Yeah, and turning off sfx and speech is the only way to go.

Re: About Crusader No Regret/Remorse

in DOS
Please tell us with which Windows OS you've been trying this and with which of the two games. Also AFAIK the Crusaders don't have the RAM problem. Anyway in real dos you can circumvent this with 1. enabling "Memory hole at 64 MB" (or similar) or 2. Creating RAM-Disks to "kill" your excessive RAM …

Re: About Crusader No Regret/Remorse

in DOS
Exactly. Right now we have a mapviewer, an animation viewer, a glob viewer and a shapes viewer in the "old" CVC repository. In the actual CVS we have the actual Pentagram program working somewhat, meaning it runs some opcodes and then crashes. As to how to actually use those viewers with Crusader, I …

Re: Ideal PC for maximum old game compatibility?

Pentium 233 might already be too fast and will require patches for that Borland or Turbo-Pascal (not sure which) speed problem. monitor size doesn't matter, I'd say use as big as you can get. OS: take care which direct X you install. Some games are said to have problems with newer DX versions. I'm …

Re: Thoughts on DosBox 0.58 RC1

in DOS
I'll try as soon as SF's cvs allows me to update the source again... Edit: I take everything back now. Dosbox compiles now fine without hitch (though some warnings but that's "normal", I guess). Works also (wow unstripped Dosbox is 15 MB big)

Re: NNTP access of SourceForge forums

in Milliways
not sure if we are meaning different things, but my comment about forked threads not bein shown wasn't about xnews but about the sourceforge nntp server. Xnews is quite capable of showing forks but SF seems to not have that information on its server...

Re: Thoughts on DosBox 0.58 RC1

in DOS
he he, daily snapshots of exult ( http://exult.sf.net ) and scummVM are compiled with mingw. At least Exult has been succesfully compiled by myself :-) Edit: As soon as compilation requires automake, configure, autoconf I haven't been able to compile anything as it would crap out more sooner than …

NNTP access of SourceForge forums

in Milliways
This has been there for quite some time but I guess it is nice for people to know about anyway. Since october 2000 SF allows access to the discussion/help forums of projects via usenet. See http://sourceforge.net/forum/forum.php?forum_id=221349 You need an Newsreader that supports SSL and you need …

Re: Thoughts on DosBox 0.58 RC1

in DOS
Well, quite an easter hunt! After unsuccesfully trying to get dosbox to compile last night I was amazed to see a post about an rc1. Thanks a lot for the quicksearch option here, but even with that it was not that easy :-) Btw., I really wish it would be easier to compile dosbox with mingw. Asking …

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