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Re: Game launcher/commander like utility for DOS 6.22?

in DOS
Nice, version 1.2 IDK if I'm imagining it or was that collection on a different host 3+ years back? Might have been where I dug it out before since textfile's CD archive is relatively "new" Yeah, the address doesn't look familiar to me either - It was at least a year or so ago that I was scouring …

Re: Game launcher/commander like utility for DOS 6.22?

in DOS
BitWrangler - thanks for the link! I think it's something I found already on another site, though - this is from the readme and doesn't sound like what we're looking for, or at least doesn't describe it that way: "About Jdos: Jdos' major advancement is that it permits the use of the mouse in DOS. It …

Re: Game launcher/commander like utility for DOS 6.22?

in DOS
For those of you using Access 3.01 (which uses text mode), you might be interested to hear I'm currently rewriting the application using Borland's Turbo C. I noticed that 3.01 fails to run on the Mister PC/XT core , AFAIK because of incompatibilities between Borland Turbo Basic and the XTIDE BIOS . …

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