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First and foremost, thanks for all your help to my post...I will investigate them all and experiment (that is kinda fun when I don't get frustrated and want to throw my computer against the wall, haha) My Total Annihilation Commanders Pack is a download...any quick tips to minimize the …

Getting an older version of Windows

I have the following games: Panzer General II, Dungeon Keeper II, Total Annihilation Commander's Pack, Silent Service II, and Silent Hunter. I run Silent Service II with DosBox but I cannot get Silent Hunter to run in DosBox yet (will figure that out) but the other games will not run properly with …

Window size

I finally got Silent Service 2 working using dosbox but it opens in the tiny window where I do the mount commands and I cannot get the window to get bigger...how the heck do I do that?

Silent Service 2 Run time errors

I can mount my c drive then get to ss2 directory...I then type in ss2.exe and it asks me if I have a joy stick...no Do I want digitized speech or something like that....yes....then it gives me run time errors...How do I fix that? I tried to adjust it with ctrl f11 or ctrl f12 a couple of times but …

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