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Re: Do any other teenagers enjoy retrocomputing/old PC games?

in Milliways
Not many sadly but I did see that there were some that had gaming channels on youtube but that place is different. I wish there was more people in general that enjoyed retro gaming that wasn't 30+ already. It does seem kind of odd in the sense that almost all the games can be downloaded and played …

Re: Which Amiga is the best Amiga?

in Milliways
've successfully used 1.44MB drives with tape over the notch in the corner, formatted as 720kb, to get stuff on to my Amiga using DOS2DOS. But yes, they do seem somewhat unreliable after a few uses. 1.44MB disks in general have bad reliability Haven't heard that before. I've been using my Sega …

Re: Which Amiga is the best Amiga?

in Milliways
Remember that Amiga floppies are not compatible with PC floppies. You can read PC floppies on an Amiga but you need software to do it. So if you bought an amiga 500 or 1000 with no floppies, you won't be able to use it as these models have no IDE or SCSI. Amiga floppies are MFM, but a weird hax0r …

Re: Do any other teenagers enjoy retrocomputing/old PC games?

in Milliways
Is retro gaming really this terminally uncool these days? My impression was that there's a large segment of beardo hipster douchebags in skinny jeans who eat up anything "8-bit" (pixellated visuals, chiptune music, tight-fitting t-shirts with prints of tape cassettes and belt buckles shaped like …

Re: Do any other teenagers enjoy retrocomputing/old PC games?

in Milliways
Sometimes it's hard for a younger guy to break into a collecting scene as well. On one of the radio forums I mentioned, this guy mentioned how back in the 80s, you'd have these radio collector clubs populated by old guys who were around in the 40s when the things were new (most of them have died by …

Re: Do any other teenagers enjoy retrocomputing/old PC games?

in Milliways
When I was in those years I didn't subscribe much to what society demanded but then again I wasn't in the race to the top to become popular. In fact I was at the bottom and preferred to go my own way which I still do. Some only envied while others despised such individuality and succumbing to …

Re: Do any other teenagers enjoy retrocomputing/old PC games?

in Milliways
Frankly I think most of the interest a person has in anything from a specific time period is nostalgia-related. Usually the person lived through it and connects it with social experiences. There are two kinds of people who collect antiques. One kind is the social collector. These guys are casuals …

Re: Do any other teenagers enjoy retrocomputing/old PC games?

in Milliways
Not many sadly but I did see that there were some that had gaming channels on youtube but that place is different. I wish there was more people in general that enjoyed retro gaming that wasn't 30+ already. To many lame FPS and MMO games these days. Sociological factors. 15 yos face huge peer …

Re: CGA 4 color mode - why CMYK?

in PC Emulation
From recollection, and from photos and videos seen online, real CGA monitors could differ wildly when it came to color 6 - on some it's very close to red, others have a very distinct brown. Something that could be expected, since the card sends out digital "dark yellow" (TTL IRGB 0,1,1,0) and it's …

Re: CGA 4 color mode - why CMYK?

in PC Emulation
Some CRT tubes lose beam focus as they age. The CM-11 is supposed to be quite good as far as CGA monitors go This monitor is in very good condition and looks like it was hardly used at all. I should clarify. It's fine in 40-column modes, but 80-column text is not so good. I had heard various …

Re: Digger and Hercules Graphic, using CGA Emulation

in DOS
Got coolhaken's PM message. Dunno about Boulder Dash Construction Kit, so I can't really help you there. BTW, you say it flickers on DOSBox. I have a Hercules card, but I can't test the game out because it's in a Pentium and SIMCGA programs only work if the HGC is the lone video card in the …

Re: Is computing as much fun as it used to be?

in Milliways
IMHO computing is NOT as much fun as it used to be in the 80's and 90's. Back then, things were evolving rapidly and there was always something brand new that you could do with computers - first 2D imaging, then full-motion video, then 3D, then internet, etc. Perhaps, although if you care to think …

Re: please help with extension dsk for dos

in DOSBox General
look at the file sizes I did notice that they're not the proper size for a 1.2MB or 1.44MB floppy. Most likely, only the actual data on the disks was imaged and whatever blank space remained on them was dropped from the images. I think the first dsk and the exe files belong to disk 1, the second …

Re: please help with extension dsk for dos

in DOSBox General
If this is a game you downloaded you'll have to ask at the site you got it from. Quite possibly true. He doesn't even bother to explain his DOSbox settings or image mountings or anything. I would assume the download file has images of the game floppies. Pretty sure you can't install the game in …

Re: Is computing as much fun as it used to be?

in Milliways
But you're right about indie. Just out of curiosity, do you by any chance read/follow Gamasutra? No. That old Usenet post has a good point though since console games from the NES onward are indeed extremely formulaic because they're expensive to develop for and risk-taking does not exist among devs …

Re: Is computing as much fun as it used to be?

in Milliways
Btw, Oculus Rift might be one of the things that would make gaming fun again. I know many of you hate FPS Oh you mean Sergeant McBiceps Shoots Random Terrorists With His Freedom Rifle. Those games. And of course we need some major breakthroughs in game design. And theme. War-and-violence is getting …

Re: CGA 4 color mode - why CMYK?

in PC Emulation
You could do the same thing with EGA and up - see John Romero's Pyramids of Egypt (or this TSR, which I found a while back and somehow thought it entertaining enough to merit its own thread). Basically, later IBM hardware let you mess with the 4-color palette to your heart's content, though this …

Re: Is computing as much fun as it used to be?

in Milliways
I quite like the wide selection of indie games out there these days. Let us be honest. Gaming today is big business unlike the rugged pioneer days in the 80s. Development times and budgets have exploded compared to when you had one guy in his den typing 6502 assembly language. Consider that the NES …

Re: Is computing as much fun as it used to be?

in Milliways
I think it's a matter of aging. Stuff loses excitement after you've been around it for so many years. Perhaps it is. When you're a kid, the world is new to you and everything is exciting and has magic to it. As an adult, you become hardened and cynical. Though it does seem now, a computer is a …

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